Part 6- 4 A.M Sneak Outs

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Zack's Pov

I walk away from Veronica pissed as hell, I got Cody's room and start banging on the door, "CODY MARTIN, YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I yell while still banging, I know I'm loud but I don'd care one bit, I'm going kill that little bitch. A sleepy Cody opens the door and before he can even say anything I tackle him to the ground, "Zack, what the hell?!" he exclaims at me and I go to throw a punch but someone stops me, it's Mr.Moseby, shitt..

"Would someone please care to explain why you're yelling at 11 PM?!"he says, looking angry, "He lied to me, he said Veronica has a boyfriend and she doesn't, YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS SHE MIGHT LIKE ME MORE!" I yell pointing at him, why am I even freaking out? I don't even like Veronica.. or maybe I do, I don't know, feelings are way too complicated .

"This is what you're on about, you'll be over her by tomorrow bro, why are you so worked up about it" Cody says and Mr.Moseby agrees, "It is true Zack, you never dedicate yourself to one girl, you have a new girlfriend every week"Mr.Moseby says and I just fall silent. "I'm gonna change, I'm doing flirting with girls" I say confidently and they both just laugh at me, what's so funny? I could do it.

"No offense bro but you couldn't last a week" Cody says, "Is that a bet?If you lose, I get Veronica and if you win, you get her " I say, raising my eyebrow, he nods and we both shake hands, "AND that includes Veronica" Cody adds, "What-that's not fair!" I say and Cody just shrugs his shoulders. "Now now boys, don't do anything you might regret, Veronica just got here and you're already betting on her?"Mr.Moseby says and Cody and I just scoff. I exit the room and go to my room, which was right across the hall. I try to go to sleep but it was hard me to.

Veronica's Pov

I shift in my bed uncomfortable, trying to fall asleep but it doesn't work, I sigh and grab my phone, 1:40 AM shows up onto the screen, just great. I open my messages and I text Cody

Me: Hey Codykins, you up?:/

Codykins 💕-Yep, I can't sleep, too much on my mind...

Me- Is-is it about your ex girlfriend? I know relationships are tough, you seemed to have liked her a lot..

Codykins💕- Yea, she was great but no that's not it, I wanna say sorry about lying to Zack about your relationship, I just couldn't stand the thought of you two going on a date

I smile and I decide to tease him a bit

Me- So you were jealous?😏

Codykins💕- Wha-what? No, of course not!

I could feel his awkwardness through the phone and I laugh lightly not trying to wake London up

Me- I know I know, I'm just teasing😂but I think I can handle myself from Zack, plus I don't want a boyfriend right now, I've got school, I wanna explore the ship and countries more before I decide what I want

Codykins💕- You know you're really smart for that, I admire that about you

I smile and ask him if he wanted to face time, he agreed. I take my Ipad out and call him, after a few rings he picks up. "Heyyyyy" he says in a deep sleepy voice, "Hiii" I said thorough a blush, thank God it was dark so he couldn't see me.

Me and Cody talked about anything and everything, our conversations was deep, we talked about life, death, literally anything you can think of. I look at the time and it's 4:12, "Holy shit, we've been talking for almost 3 hours" I say getting up to use the bathroom, "Holy shit it is, do you regret losing your sleep over me?"he asks, "Hmmm, I'll have to back you you on that" I say teasing him and we both laugh, I know I just met Cody but I can't wait to see where our friendship goes. "If you're not tired, sneak out and meet me by the sky deck in 5 minutes, there's something I wanna show you "he says and I get concerned but also happy, he wanted to see me? Right now? Before I can even think I say yes, I brush my teeth and put my slippers on. I see a text from Cody to tell me to bring a bathing suit, a bathing suit? Why would I need to bring one? Is he gonna throw me over board?...

I grab my things and head to the deck.

Cody's Pov

I was waiting for Veronica by the deck, I remember earlier she told me she was really into astronomy and the stars are beautiful a this time of night and I really wanted Veronica to see them and also maybe go in the jacuzzi.. I know I might get it trouble so I'm risking a lot here.

In the corner of my eye, I see Veronica in black sweats and a white cropped tank top, I smile at her and she returns it. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up" I say. smiling a lot while giving her a hug. The hug was nice and warm and Veronica smelled so good, her hair smelled like coconut. "Uh Cody? Are you smelling my hair?" I hear Veronica and it snaps me back into reality, I pull my self away and look away, hiding the embarrassment on my face.

"So what did you wanna show me" she says, thank God she decided to change the subject because thing were getting a little awkward..

"Oh yea.. this" I say and point to the sky revealing the brightest stars I've ever seen.. I look at Veronica and she's admiring the stars with glimmer in her eyes, with all the stars around us, she was still the brightest one. Veronica looks at me and smiles, "Wow, Cody, they're beautiful" she says and I smile even wider, "Not as beautiful as you" I slip out, hoping she didn't hear me, "What did you say" she asks and I begin to panic. "Uh, there's a telescope right there if you wanna view them closer" I say, saving my self from second hand embarrassment.

She walks to the telescope, I can see a smile spread across her face, "Wanna see them?" she asks looking at me and I shake my head, "No, this is for you, I remember you told me you love astronomy and the stars so I brought you here.." I say looking down and I then feel lips placed on my cheek and I look up and see Veronica smiling at me, "Thank you, Cody, you really made my first day and night here memorable", "Well it's not over yet" I say, smirking at her, she gives me a confused and I just pull her hand and drag her to the jacuzzi.

"Cody, it's 4 am and you wanna go in the jacuzzi?! Are you insane?" she whisper-yells and I just nod, "What can I say, you bring out the wild side of me" I say and wink at her, when did I get so confident?? "Okay, you win" she says, putting her hands up in surrender.

She starts taking her clothes off to reveal and black bikini, I almost slip at her beauty. Wow, she's so beautiful, her body, her laugh, her smile, her personality, everything was amazing and I think I really like her but I know she doesn't want a relationship right now and I respect that.

"Cody you're staring" Veronica says waving her hands in front of my face, I snap back into reality, "Oh uh sorry" I say, rubbing the back of my neck.. I've been awkward all day, what is up with me??

"It's okay, Cody" Veronica says and laughs. I pull the tarp off the jacuzzi and we hop in, "Ohhh, this is nice" Veronica says, relaxing and I laugh at her and agree. Then she asks me something I wish she didn't.

"So tell me something about your ex-girlfriend, Bailey is it" I shoot up, shocked she brought her up but I just nod . "Oh uh okay, well when she first came here, she was disguised as a boy, since there was no more slots for girls she pretended to be one. I had a major crush on her so I devised a 6-month plan for her to become my girlfriend, I had some successful plans and some failed ones and we officially became a couple when I took her to a Hannah Montana concert, we dated for a while but she left home with no hesitation or reasoning, I was hurt and I still am.." I say, thinking about the memories me and Bailey had, I really miss her. "Wow, you still love her, don't you?" Veronica asks and I snap back into reality, remembering she was here, "Oh uh no of course not.." I say stuttering, I do love Bailey, but not like that anymore, I think.. "I mean of course I do.. as a friend of course... or more" I say stammering, Veronica puts her hand on my forearm, "Cody it's okay, she was your first love, no need to deny it" she says smiling but I can see a little bit of hurt of hurt in her eyes.

Before I can say anything, Veronica gets up and grabs a towel, "Thank you for a wonderful night Cody, I hope Bailey comes to her senses and realizes she loves you too still, if not, she'll be missing out on a awesome guy" she says and just leaves me alone by myself. Just hearing that made me realize I don't love Bailey anymore, I realized she was very toxic for me and now I know she's not the one for me now I just need to prove it to Veronica...


A/N I'm sorry I haven't been updating this one as much, I'm trying to update my other stories too, I also got ideas for 5 more new stories and I'm excited for those and I hope you are too!

3 more days until my birthday!!

(1733 words)


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