Part 5- Hang Outs

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A/N ^Cody is so cute🥺

Veronica's Pov

I loved meeting Cody and getting to know him, he was really nice and I could tell he was a sweet, genuine guy but something about him seemed lonely, like he was hurting. Meeting him made life just seem a little brighter, all my issues became less important, being around him made me comfortable and it was at a level of a connection I've never felt before. Talking with him felt natural and like I've known him forever, turns out he was REALLY smart, he was like that really cute nerd most girls had a crush on before they hit their 'bad boy phase'. Everything was going great until I found out he had a girlfriend but turns out it was all a misunderstanding, London told me they had recently broke up and she didn't know. She even told me how he went a whole week cooped up in his room, depressed about it, that's probably the reason he seemed sad earlier, he's not over her. I felt really bad for him, he really needed a friend right now and I will be the one to be there, a new friend is just what he needs.

Zack on the other hand though... he was really cute and very 'wordy' but I can tell just tell he's like that with every girl, plus I'm not ready to see anyone right now, I just want to adjust to the new school and new life before I do anything, I don't know if he even knows how to friends with any girl but he can get used to it, at least for now.

I open the door to go look for the twins but when I open it, I'm surprised to them already there, "Oh hey guys, I was just going to look for you two, do you two wanna hang out? You can introduce to your friends" I say, giving them a friendly smile, I look at Zack and he looks really upset, I wonder what's wrong with him. "Of course" I hear Cody say, returning my smile. "Great! Let's go" I say and grab their hands, I head towards the deck because that's where Cody says they hang out a lot.

I meet Woody, a curly headed boy who in his words 'loves food', he takes out a giant chicken leg from his pants pockets and starts to eat it, "Oh wow.. isn't that a bit.. unsanitary?" I say backing up a little, Zack pats my forearm, "Yea, you'll get used that sweet thang" he says and I roll my eyes playfully, "And how many girl have you call that" I say giving him a playful look, "Over thousands" Cody says smiling down at me, I laugh and just say okay. We sit and talk for hours, sharing personal stories, I tell them everything about Riverdale and my friends from there. I got to learn that Cody is the more educated and mature one, he's sensitive, caring and better behaved than Zack. I know he's not perfect though, from the stories I've heard, he can be mean and greedy, but I know it's for good reasons. He receives good grades and has had a perfect 5.0 GPA, he wants to go to Yale and so do I but I don't tell him that yet, I talked about myself for hours it was his turn.

"I'm often known as a 'nerd' but I would call myself-" I cut him off "Educationally gifted" I say, finished his sentence, "Exactly" he says and smiles at me, I return it and look away. He says how once his brother used one of his papers to use as his own and they had a big arguement, with Cody wearing a big banana suit, I laugh at the thought of Cody in a banana suit. I can tell Zack inferior to Cody because he's more smarter but Cody has worked hard for those grades and school is the only thing he feels he is better at thank Zack, it's kinda sad. "Aww, you guys are both amazing in your own way" I say and both flash them a smile, I'm in the middle of both of them but I feel there's tension. Cody takes out a giant bottle of hand sanitizer, "Wow, now I feel embarrassed that I only carry around a little bottle of hand sanitizer" I say and all of them laugh, "Cody here is scared of germs" Zack says, laughing, "I mean you never know when a giant pandemic will come and hand sanitizer will then be our hero (sorry I had to😔✋🏻)" I say jokingly.

"So you're telling me Cody still sleeps with a blankey and call your mom "Mommy?" I say and laugh, Cody looks embarrassed but I reassure him it's the most adorable thing I ever heard. "We also have a Swedish background and out great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was the founder and was hated for many years but we were able to clear up his name when we were in Sweden" Zack says and I gasp, "You guys went to Sweden?! That's amazing, I'm jealous" I say. "Don't worry, there's other places we can visit together babe" Zack says and gives me a wink, Cody and I both roll our eyes.

The twins used to lived in Boston with their mother, living in the fancy 'Tipton Hotel', Cody also adds that he sings, act, plays the French horn AND violin, he's also a mama's boy.

I yawn and see my watch say 10:25 pm, "Shit, it's getting late guys, I promised my friends I would facetime them once I was settled in" I say, by this time it was only Zack, Cody and I by ourselves, the deck barely had any people left. We say our good nights and exchange phone numbers, as I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me, "Veronica, wait up!" I turn around and see Zack running towards, he catches up to me, "Can I walk you to your cabin" he asks and I simply just nod. Me and Zack talk even more about our lives, we get to my suite and before I can open the door he stops me, "Wait Veronica, I need to tell you something.. I know you have a boyfriend but-", "Wait what? I don't have a boyfriend, who told you this?" I ask, completely shocked, "Uh Cody did? He said you told him-" he stops himself and realization hit him, while it was still hard for me to understand, why would Cody lie?.

"Zack, why would Cody lie"I ask and Zack looks absolutely infuriated, "I have no idea but I'm gonna find out" he says and stomps away leaving me alone, wait I thought he wanted to me something? Eh, I guess it'll just have to wait. I head into my room and greet London, I get changed and call Betty and Archie and tell them all about my hectic day. It was hard for me to go to sleep that night, I missed home..


A/N I just changed my account name because I have a lot of stories I have in mind that are with Cody and Judhead, I wanna incorporate more Disney shows too. Enjoy this chapter, I might upload Part 6 later tonight.

Q: What do you guys think of this concept? and who should Veronica be with?

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