Part 1-Veronica's Pov

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Veronica's Pov

I walk inside my home and walk into the kitchen to see mommy and daddy in the kitchen with worried and exhausted, "Mommy? Daddy? Is everything okay? You look worried" I say walking towards them and they just out of their seats and hug me, what the hell?.

"Are you okay mija? Did something happened? Did they touch you? Are you hurt?" my mom says looks at my arms to see if I had any marks, okay the have officially gone crazy. "What? What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine, I was just hanging out with Betty and Archie, and who are they? What is going" I slightly push them off and raise my eyebrows at them.

They look at each and dad nods, "Well mija.." my mom starts but goes quiet, she just turns around and grabs a piece of paper from the table and hands it to me, I take it and read it.

'Hiram Lodge, I'm coming for you and your daughter, you should have never crossed me and Veronica shouldn't have rejected me. This is the first and only time I'll ever warn you, you'll never see me coming. I'm gonna come after everything you love starting with your precious daughter, she will be mine.

-Nick St

I almost break down after reading he was targeting me, my whole life is now in danger, I will have to stay is self lock down until this whole things calm down, my life will never be the same.

My dad notices my panicking and caresses my arm, "Don't worry mija, I've already taken care of it. My old friend owed me a favor and agreed to take care of you until this whole situation blows over, you're leaving tomorrow and will be attending the Sevens Seas High School." Daddy says and I shake my head no, a new high school? away from home and from everyone I love? "No daddy! There has to be another way! I can't leave you two!" I slightly yell at them.

My mom is now crying, "No mija, this is for your own good, Nick has no idea who Mr.Moseby is so he'll never find you and we'll know you'll be safe, this is for your own good" she says, her voice cracks, I look down upset, I know they were right but what will happen to them? Are they gonna be safe?.

"What?- What about you guys? Are you gonna be safe" I say, mom and dad look at each and he shakes his head, "Forget that mija, this is about you. Don't worry about us, now go upstairs and pack", I feel defeated, there's nothing to do to help them, I walk away but turn and ask, "Wait, Seven Seas High School? I never heard of it, where is it?", dad just laughs, "Only everywhere, now go pack, you have a busy schedule", I walk away feeling even more confused, 'Only everywhere'? what does that even mean?

I head upstairs and take out my bags and begin packing for my new life. Halfway in, I receive a text.

Betts💕- Hey guys! Wanna meet at Pops tomorrow so we can see if we have classes together this year?

Oh God, how am I gonna tell my own best friends that they won't see me for a very long time..

Archibald🧑🏼‍🦲- Yes, that would be great! Right Veronica?

Me- Guys, I have horrible news, Nick threatened my father that he is coming after me and now tomorrow I'm leaving to go to I have no idea land with a man I've never met or remember and attend this new school, leaving you two and everyone else I love behind until this whole thing calms down and they work things out ..

Betts💕 and Archibald🧑🏼‍🦲- What? You're leaving? TOMORROW?!

Me- Yes guys, I'm so sorry but my parents want me to be safe and if they genuinely think this will, well then I need to trust them.

Betts💕- You're right Veronica, you need to be safe and I would be selfish to tell you to stay, risking you getting hurt but I also would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss you but I know this is only temporary and plus there's always facetime and texting!

Me- Thank you B, for understanding, this whole thing has been rough and I'm so confused but I know this is what's best

Archibald🧑🏼‍🦲- Veronica, how can you leave? Just like that? You can't leave, you can't leave us, you can't leave me! You belong here, in Riverdale, forget Nick, I'll protect you!

Archie has been in love with me since the day he met me but for some reason I never felt the same way back, he lacked something I truly needed but I wasn't sure what it was yet.

Me- I can't let you do that Archie, thank you but this is my doing. The longer I'm here the more endanger we'll all be and I care about you too much to be that selfish, I need to do this, the quicker I leave the quicker all this will end and I'll be home back in no time, I love you guys but I need to do this.. for me and you.

Betts💕- She's right Archie, we need to let her do this, it's not like she'll be gone forever

Archibald🧑🏼‍🦲- You're right.. okay Veronica but at least can I get a goodbye kiss?

Me- Haha very funny but both of you meet me outside the Pembrooke first thing tomorrow, good night guys, I love you!

I finished packing and half my room was empty but I kept important things cause I knew I wouldn't be there forever, I packed a mini purse for personal items like pictures frames of mom, dad and I and another one with Betty, Arch and I. I also packed my giant stuffed penguin Archie won for me at the fair when I said how the penguin was cute, it took his 20 tries and $60 but in his words 'It was worth it to see your beautiful smile'.

I place all my bags by the door and I get under my covers and think of all my memories I had in Riverdale over the past few years and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Tomorrow will be the start of a new life and new memories, or will it?

To be continued

A/N this is my fourth story this week😳 but all de inspiration is just flowing and it won't stop, I might start a "Jeronica Insta soon" but we'll see. Thank you for reading and good night! (cause it's 1:52 am rn🤡)

Update at 10 reads

(1124 words)

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