1. Katie's P.O.V

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Hey Guys! My name is Morgan and I'm one of the two authors of #WFYOML. I will be writing as Kat (Katie Keller). This is my first ever book and we hope you enjoy :) My individual account is Morgina32 if you would like to follow me, and I will hopefully post some books soon!



I wake up to the irritating beeping of my alarm. I look over to my clock to see it's 6:30 am. I remember that today is the first day of grade 9. The beginning of my high school experience. With a moan, I roll out of bed. Literally. Somehow I manage to hit my head on the garbage bin next to the bed. Smooth Katie.

After I finish recovering, I head to the bathroom to get ready. Right away, I splash water on my face in an attempt to wake up, unsuccessfully may I add. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My dark brown hair is a little bit past my shoulders, showing its natural waves. My brown eyes are slightly red from waking up so early. My skin is an almost tan colour with a slighty pink spot on my forehead from where I hit my head.

I apply mascara to my eyelashes after adding a small amount of eyeliner to my eyes. I'm going for the 'simple but pretty' makeup today. As I will most likely do for the rest of the year. I also put on some foundation in hopes that the red spot on my forehead will become less noticeable.

I throw on my blue jean shorts and a sapphire blue shirt. For accessories, I put on my crystal stud earrings my parents bought me for my last birthday.

I go downstairs to make myself of a quick bowl of mini wheats cereal, and finish getting ready.

30 minutes later I find myself waiting for the bus along with three other people. One of them looks like he's in grade 11 or 12. The other two look to be in grade 9 like me, a boy and a girl. The two grade 9s start walking my way.

"Hi! My name is Trinity, but people call me Trin. This here is Joey."

The first thing I notice about Trinity is her bubbly personality. Her skin is a tan colour that really brings out her green eyes. Her hair is a chocolate brown and you can tell shes straightened it. She's a couple inches taller than me, so I find myself looking up at her slightly.

Joey, on the other hand, is quite tall. He has fair skin and his hair is brunette. His eyes are a nice shade of green. He smiles as Trinity introduces him, and I notice how straight and white his teeth are.

"What's your name?"

Trinity's question snaps me out of my observation trance.

"Katie" I reply.

"Nice name"


For the next five to ten minutes we make small talk, Joey joining in occasionally.

I tell them a bit about myself, like how I just moved from Vancouver because my dad got a better job offer here in Ontario. Joey and Trinity tell me that they're neighbours and have been since they were in kindergarten. They're best friends, but there seems to be a connection between the two that would make people think differently.

When the bus arrives, I instantly notice how chaotic and loud it is. Back in Vancouver, I never took a bus to school. Although I wasn't expecting it to be dead quiet, I did not think that buses could be this loud with only half the bus filled.

I sit near the front, across from Joey and Trinity. I take out my head phones and my phone preparing myself for the long bus ride to school. I put my songs on shuffle, and look out the window watching my new neighbourhood slowly disappear behind me.

Summer has gone and passed, the innocent can never last, wake me up when September ends.

I find myself quietly tapping along with the slow beat. Its an old song, but I've always loved it.

Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars. Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we-

"What the hell?!"

I immediately jump up from my seat, eyes wide as I look down at the monster who interrupted my wonderful Green Day. On my seat is a huge spider. And I don't mean like a scary house spider big, I mean full out tarantula big. It starts making its way in my direction and I'm not going to lie, I squealed like a little girl.

Suddenly the creepy crawler stops moving and one of its legs start twitching. I narrow my eyes at the spider.

Loud laughter erupted from behind me. My head snaps to the source of the noise. About five guys, probably my age, are almost crying from laughing so hard. I look back at the spider before it all clicked in - the spider wasn't real and I just embarrassed myself in front of everyone by thinking it was. Yep, i definitely let my spider phobia get in the way of my brain.

I shoot the guys a glare that says 'shut up or I'll kill you', at least that's what I was going for. I seemed to have delivered that message loud and clear because four of the five guys stopped laughing and shrunk back into their seats.

The last one continued laughing even as I glare at him. He looks like the 'leader' of his group of friends back there. He walks up the bus aisle towards me, still laughing. I watch him approach me, and I'm getting angrier with every step he takes. He has the nerve to keep laughing?!

"Oh my god, you should have seen your face!" He says as he reaches me, still chuckling. He wipes a tear from the side of his eye. "Hi my name is Ashton Brooks, soon to be captain of the basketball team, football team and every other sport team at RHS." He says cockily. He holds out his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

I raise an eyebrow at him. Wow, cocky much?

He puts up his hands in mock surrender. "Fine" he says smirking. "We've got a feisty one here boys!" He turns his head back as he yells to his friends. This awards him with a couple laughs.

I roll my eyes. He looks back towards me with an amused expression on his face. His hair is light brown and its long, but not too long. His bangs come down to his eyebrows so he could easily do the I'm-going-to-flip-my-hair-because-I-can thing. He has fair skin and blue eyes to match. He's my height, maybe an inch taller than me. I'm not going to lie, he's pretty attractive. Although his cocky personality totally ruins it.

As I take in his appearence, I notice him doing the same to me. His eyes rake up and down my body, making me quite uncomfortable. It's not like I don't like my body, it's the way he looks at me that kind of freaks me out.

"My face is up here." I say hoping its coming out intimidating. The last thing I need is him thinking he affects me in any way.

His head snaps up and he just smirks. This guy is really starting to annoy me.

I roll my eyes once again and sit back down while putting my headphones in my ears once again, hoping he gets the hint to leave.

He seems to realize that I'm done talking to him because he goes back to his seat behind me.

The rest of the ride was nowhere near peaceful, but there were no more spider incidents luckily.

The bus stops and we've arrived at Regan High School.

So the adventure begins.

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