2. Spencer's P.O.V

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Spencer's P.O.V


I seriously can't believe I am here, about to walk through the doors of what is supposed to be the best four years of my life!

The bus ride here was amazing! I sat so close to the back because I made friends with a senior! I'm so happy that I already made a new friend and someone who is three years older than me! Maybe Andrew will help me out with my football. I need to make the team! The only things I love is music and football. I'm that kind of guy who makes friends easy and has goals. Challenges motivate me, I live off adrenaline. I am pretty sure I'm a good size for football... Well, I'm 5'6 and a half, but I mean I am only in grade nine so I will grow. Today I wore something exciting! Something that people will stop to look at! I wore dark skinny jeans, a dark red and black plaid shirt and gelled my hair into a little spike by the forehead. I got this. My dirty blond hair and I can do this.

As I step into the door I see this beautiful stairway going to the second floor of the school. This school is an arts school. We are known for our music, drama and sports. Stars are born here... Well, not really I mean I was born in a hospital but I mean maybe someone was born on this very spot, that is very unlikely. Anyways! As I pass all these paintings and pictures of all the clubs and graduates I "accidentally" bumped into this girl and well, she was really really good looking. Which is why I bumped into her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. My name is Spencer what is yours?" I asked.

"What's your problem! Who do you think you are? Bumping into me!" The girl was beat red she's fuming... It's hilarious but kind of scary.

"Well, I just said my name Spencer... So that's who I am..."

"Ughhhh!" The girl let out a high pitched cry and stormed off.

Well. That didn't go as planned. I turned behind me to see Austin my big brother laughing so hard.

"Oh my god... Wow Spence you really... Just wow." Austin bursted out in more laughter causing people to stare.

My cheeks started to turn a little pink. "Whatever man. I gotta go to class, see ya."

Then I left. As I turned the corner I can still hear Austin laughing. Austin reminds me a lot of me. Or I remind myself of him... Never mind. We just look alike and act alike so we are basically best friends. Austin never really had a passion for music like me, but he does love sports! He plays football, basketball and soccer. This dude has won every award for athletics ever made! He's sick!

I walk into my first class, science with mr. Smart. What kind of a name is that?! Mr smart! I start to laugh and people look at me funny... Wow this day really seems a lot more different then what I thought it would be. Oh well.

I sit down and take out my binder and pencil, get ready for 75 minutes of pure boring.

That's when I start to zone out.

Authors note; Sorry for the short chapter. I promise it will be longer next time! Also sorry it took so long to post this part... I got busy and then forgot.... So yeah! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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