When We're Together (Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

She said it so casually, but at the same time...she sounded sincere.

Shocked, Levi's gaze shot to her. She was staring at the tree with a calm expression, as if she hadn't said anything out of the ordinary.

On instinct, he wanted to throw the offer in her face. His whole life, he had been taught to keep people at a distance – first by Kenny, and then by the cruelty of the Underground City. Trusting anyone but yourself would only get you killed. Not only that, but to accept (f/n)'s offer would be a sign of weakness. He didn't need a family. He didn't need anyone.

However...he had made an exception with Farlan and Isabel. They had never betrayed him, and caring for them hadn't made him feel weak. And though his chest still ached with the pain of their loss, perhaps having just one person he could count on wouldn't be so bad.

Levi didn't know what to do, what to say. He had never been good at things like this, even with Farlan and Isabel. However, as he stared at (f/n), it didn't seem like she was expecting a response.

Levi knew that she had grown to understand him over the past few months. She knew how guarded he was, how slow to form bonds. So she extended the offer, but she wouldn't pressure him. She would give him time and space to figure out not only if he wanted to accept, but also how he would deal with it afterward. She would be patient as he learned to trust someone other than himself.

Levi loosed a breath and returned his gaze to the tree.

For several minutes, he and (f/n) sat side by side in comfortable silence.

"So," (f/n) murmured, still looking at the tree, "are you going to tell me why you aren't asleep right now, even though you didn't sleep once during the expedition?"

Levi whipped his head around to face her. "How did you –"

"Hanji," (f/n) stated, anticipating his question. "She knows everything about this regiment and loves to talk about it."

"Don't I know it," Levi mumbled, glaring at the ground. He was both angry and a little embarrassed that Hanji had been blabbing about his business to other soldiers. "Nosy Four-eyes."

(F/n) waited silently for a moment. When Levi didn't say anything, she tried again. "So..."

"Tch. Are you going to be nosy now, too?" Levi growled, flicking his narrowed eyes to her.

"Just making conversation," (f/n) said, trying to sound like it wasn't a big deal. Levi got the sense that she was doing so for his sake. When she spoke again, she maintained a casual demeanor, but her voice had softened. "You know I'm here if you need anything, right?"

Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes. But inwardly, he was grateful for her. So much.

Once again, they lapsed into silence. Levi returned his gaze to the ground, lost in thought. His whole life, he had been conditioned to play things close to the vest, to not give up information about himself unless he had to. But some small part of him wanted to tell (f/n), to trust her. Before he could think better of it, he mumbled, "I can't sleep. Not anymore."

For the first time since she sat down, (f/n) looked at him. "Ah," she said softly.

Levi met her eyes. They were full of understanding, and a little sadness. It was their harsh reality as Scouts – death was a part of life. Even though (f/n) had only been here a few months longer than Levi, she had already lost more than her fair share of comrades.

Levi had lost Farlan and Isabel. And their deaths replayed over and over in his mind every time he closed his eyes.

He wondered if (f/n) had the same nightmares he did.

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