21. I Propose Death as a Solution

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I wanted a real relationship with Sergio, to not have to skim around the "what are we?" talk. I didn't want to worry about whether we would still be together in a month, or that he'd find a vampire girl he could be with forever (literally) and leave me in the dust.

If dating him meant becoming a vampire, well, I was at least ready to talk about the possibility. I would have to tell Katie...something. And my family. And my other friends. After all, they would notice if I stopped aging. If I became a vampire, would I have to give them all up?

These thoughts swirled around my head during Christmas dinner with Katie and Sergio, preventing me from thoroughly enjoying it. We prepared and ate roast ham, cranberry salad, and Katie's famous fruitcake. Katie and Sergio were getting along, and everything was going smoothly. But I was distracted.

"Are you okay, Inari?" Katie asked, pulling me back to reality.

I saw them both staring at me with concern. "I'm fine. I just zoned out for a second. What were you saying?"

They didn't believe me, but they let my excuse slide. "I was telling Sergio about my family's tradition of each opening one present on Christmas Eve," Katie said. "Then I asked if your family had any traditions."

"Um," I replied, "baking cookies, I guess, was something we did every year that I loved. Sergio and I actually made some the other day."

"Oh, can I see?" asked Katie.

"Of course," Sergio said, rising. "Allow me to fetch them." He left the dining room.

Katie turned to me. "Does he always talk like that?"

I shrugged sheepishly. "Pretty much."

"Okay. I thought he might be trying to impress me or something. He is a tad...stiff."

Well, he was a corpse.

Katie appraised me from the corner of her eye. "Are you sure you're all right?"

I released a breath slowly to relax. "I have a lot on my mind, but I'm really fine. Thank you."

She squeezed my hand.

After we ate cookies and cleaned up the dishes, Katie told us she had to run. "But thank you so much for having me over," she said to Sergio.

"Please come again. You are delightful company," Sergio said.

She hugged me goodbye, and then Sergio and I were alone. I hesitated, then decided that I might as well just spit it out. "Sergio," I said, "can I talk to you?" Because I hated when other people left me wondering and dreading after 'can I talk to you,' I always tried to clarify with a bit more information. "It's about where our relationship is going."

"Ah. Do you mind if I have a drink? The food was delicious, but it wasn't filling."


Tension thickened the air as he poured himself a glass of blood from a bag hidden in the back of the fridge. "Come," he said, leading me to the living room. We sat facing each other. "What is it you wished to speak of?"

I fiddled with the rubber band on my wrist. "I was just wondering how you pictured us long-term. I really like you, but clearly, you being a vampire adds some complications."

He leaned back in his chair, sipping his blood and thinking. "Before I breach possible solutions, I wish to say that I appreciate you coming to me with your concern. The matter does warrant discussion."

"Thank you."

He nodded. "The first solution that comes to me is to proceed as we have been, avoiding the realities of our differing lifespans. As I recall, when we initiated this relationship, though you were not aware I was a vampire, we agreed to keep our affair casual and unofficial until it fizzled out on its own." He smiled at me. "I think we both became more attached than we anticipated."

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