chapter 28

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"happy fucking birthday!!!!" i heard someone scream on top of their lungs, i was half asleep and really irritated. i felt a heavy load climb on my bed before starting to jump on it, ally.

nobody else would dare to put their foot on my bed because i'd bite their head off. i pushed her legs and i heard a loud thud as her body hit the carpeted floor

i jumped up realizing that she could've probably been hurt but when i looked at the side of my bed she wasn't there wtf?, i got up out of bed fully to see if i was really losing it

just as i was walking around to the corner of my bed ally jumped up scaring the living christ out of me much to her amusement as she was basically out of breath due to laughing at me

"shut up" i groaned running my hand through my hair, i sat back down on my bed and ally climbed on it once again jumping about like a little kid.

"stop being so down, it's your birthday!" she said as if i didn't know it was my own birthday. "we have a full day planned so get ready" she jumped off of the bed and basically dragged me to my feet pushing me to the bathroom

i brushed my teeth and took a shower. after i got out i went back into my bedroom to see ally on her phone with someone. "who's that?" i asked playfully probably already knowing who it was.

she looked a bit scared when she saw me but it didn't look like genuine fear just surprise. she got up and walked out of the room telling me that she'd be back soon i should just continue getting ready. i didn't think much of her strange behavior because ally herself was a weird and hard to figure out person.

i got in front of my mirror and checked my hair a bit, i had gotten my hair done the previous day curtesy of ally bugging me clearly stating that she was tired of my usual ponytails and i should do something nice to my hair for my birthday

i would have to thank her for being on my case with this one because my hair does look really nice. i finished up applying light makeup when ally reentered the room, "what was that about?" i asked wiping off a lipgloss smudge at the top of my lip

"nothing, just a random call" she responded and i raised a brow at her, i decided this wasn't the morning to get all suspicious so i didn't ask her anything else about the topic.

"okay so we have a whole day planned!" she threw her hands up in excitement and i laughed

"what're we gonna do?" i asked curiously, ally detailed to me a quick run down of the events scheduled to take place today. we would have breakfast at a new restaurant, meet up with a photographer downtown and wrap up the day with casual dinner

i was almost shocked that ally didn't go over the top with anything, she actually stuck to things that i'd like and it was almost too good to be true. it probably was but i couldn't help but be extremely excited.

i finished getting ready and met up with ally who was standing outside of my room.

"brooo look at youuu!" she ran over to where i was stopping in front of me then she began to jump up and down clapping her hands frantically

i really didn't do much, it's my usual style just a little more layers due to the unforgiving weather.

after getting through ally giving me a thorough body scan we made our way down to the kitchen, i was shocked to say the least. my parents were downstairs along with my sister and julius

they each had a gift in their hand and there was a silver display of the number '21' on the wall.
"happy birthday lani!" they said loudly and i walked over giving them a big group hug before i started hugging them individually

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