Ice Cream and Kisses

Start from the beginning

He quietly opened the trap door, dropping to her bed with no noise. She was facing away from him, so as stealthily as he could he walked up behind her, saying, "Hello Princess," and making her jump. He had wanted to kiss her to alert her to his presence, but he was not sure how the action would be received so soon after what had happened.

"Kitty," she scolded, "you can't keep doing that to me! You shorten my lifetime by five years each time!"

"I'm sorry Princess, it's just so funny to watch your reaction!" he laughed. She frowned at him, before giving in and smiling along with him.

"Oh! I didn't get to make final adjustments on this last night, so I need you to close your eyes and put your arms up," she ordered. He obeyed and felt a heavy material settle around his shoulders.

His sensitive hearing could pick up sounds of her moving around him, stopping here and there. He heard her stop in front of him, and his ears perked up, before she swiftly kissed him and backed away, telling him, "All done! You can open your eyes now Kitty. I think everything fits right."

He opened his eyes, still blushing, and turned to face the full length mirror to see himself wearing a black jacket. He turned to either side, smiling delightedly when he saw the cat doodle on his right shoulder.

"Thank you Princess!" he told her, picking her up and enveloping her in a hug. "You're the absolute best!" He put her down to look in the mirror once more, noticing the silvery fabric on the inside. "What's this?" he asked.

"I cut out pieces of a space blanket," she explained. "I thought it would keep your heat in without the extra bulk that some other materials have. I kept it black, too, because I remember that you have saved Ladybug before because you could sneak through the shadows, so I tried to keep it inconspicuous. But I added the cat doodle for a little bit of my own flair. Call it my signature," she finished her explanation.

"You never cease to amaze me," he told her, surprised by her ingenuity. Most fashion designers would never take the risks Marinette took simply because it wasn't what was normally done. Marinette was going to change the fashion industry, he knew it.

"So I heard you went on a date," he teased her, changing the subject.

"It wasn't a date," she replied quickly. "It was just two friends, hanging out."

"He seemed pretty excited about it when he told me."

"Well I like someone else."

"He did mention something about an ice cream . . . black and yellow was it?"

"Even if it is true, that is none of your business!"

"So it is true!" Chat said triumphantly.

"So what if it is?" Marinette asked defensively.

"Don't get all defensive on me! I'm just excited!"

"And why are you excited?"

"The girl of my dreams likes me back!" With that he gave her a small peck on the lips, still trying to keep his distance. She, however, had a very different idea.

She threaded her hands through his hair, realizing that the ice cream man had been right—she did quite enjoy running her hands through his hair.

He kissed her back excitedly, happy that she felt the same way he did. He pulled her closer by her hips, but also maintaining their distance to prevent flashbacks.

Their kiss didn't go any further than that, and he was completely fine with it. 'She trusts me,' was the thought he couldn't get out of his head.

They pulled apart for air, and she smiled at him. She was glad he never tried to push further than she was comfortable, always waiting for her to make the first move.

"Thank you Kitty," the bluenette told him.

"For what?" he asked, tilting his head to the left.


"Thank you yourself."

"For what?" This time it was Marinette who asked the question.

"Everything," Chat quoted her.

They cuddled for about an hour before Chat got up to leave. "Thank you again Princess. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Only if you come back," she told him.

He smiled and left, happy at the way the night had turned out. He loved her. Truly loved her. He could accept that now, despite the remorse he felt at going back on his promise to Ladybug. She had never given him a chance, but here was an amazing girl who was kind and funny and smart and beautiful and she was giving him a chance. Him. His heart was made up, and it seemed that Marinette's was too.

And with matters of the heart, you can only go along, as it is useless to fight it.

So . . . I have never been kissed before so I honestly have no idea what I am talking about when writing kissing scenes, so sorry about that!

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