Jeremy Gets A Pet

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        Jeremy Heere didnt know much animals. He never had any interest in getting a pet. All Jeremy knew is that a pet just added more activities onto his already busy highschool schedule. All a pet did was play, eat, and sleep. Jeremy had no need or want for a pet.

That was... until Michael dragged him into pet store one day.

"C'mon, Jer, please? I just want to look at some of the animals!" Michael pleaded, giving Jeremy his very best puppy dog eyes. He sighed, knowing full well he couldn't say no to this. (~Ha- catch the reference- I'm sorry I'm a disappointment-~)

"Fine, but only for a few minutes." Jeremy said, finally giving in. Michael cheered.

"Thanks Jer! You're the best!" He shouted, dragging Jeremy into the Petco. Jeremy followed Michael through the crowded store, looking for something interesting. While Michael was distracted by the parakeets, Jeremy decided to walk in an aisle full of glass cases. He looked into one and saw a rat. "Who in their right mind would buy a fucking rat as pet?" He thought out loud, quickly moving away from the case. Then, he saw it. In a small glass cage, there was one of strangest yet cutest things Jeremy had ever laid eyes on. He read the label. "A ferret huh?" He asked, leaning down to look closer into the cage. The small animal came over to the edge of the glass curiously. Jeremy smiled at it and tapped the glass. The ferret pushed its paws (feet?) against the glass, still staring at Jeremy. Jeremy decided to glance at the price label.


Everyone turned to look at Jeremy. His eyes widened as he realized how loud he had said that. He quickly turned red and looked back at ferret. It didnt seem fazed by his shouting. "And I thought the SQUIP was expensive..." He mumbled. Jeremy gently tapped the glass again longingly. He never thought he'd say this, but he wanted a pet. He wanted this ferret. At this very moment, he wanted this ferret more than anything.

"Jeremy?" Michael called, rounding the corner. "I heard you shout, what's wro-" He stopped himself as he saw his best friend staring at a ferret. He kneeled beside Jeremy and smirked. "So... Mister Anti-Animal has found a friend I see?" He snickered.

"Shut up..." Jeremy mumbled, jokingly shoving Michael. The ferret looked at Michael for a moment before looking back at Jeremy.

"So, how much is he?" Michael asked.

"Five hundred..."

"Damn, and I thought the SQUIP was expensive."

"My thoughts exactly."

Jeremy sighed and stood up. He knew neither of them had that kind of money. But Michael had a plan.

The Next Day...

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee created a chatroom.

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee added, JakeyD, TheatreKid, 100%thatbitch, heres.themotherfuckin.tea, and Brookie_Cookie.

MichaelMichaelMakesAnEntranceee: guys I have a plan I'm listening

JakeyD: Oh?

100%thatbitch: Spit it out

Brookie_Cookie: Tell us!

TheatreKid: Ooh!!!

heres.themotherfuckin.tea: Spill☕

MichaelMakesanEntranceee: I took Jeremy to the pet store

JakeyD: I cant imagine that going well. He hates animals

Brookie_Cookie: He even hates puppies?! HOW TF😮😮😮

MichaelMakesanEntranceee: see that's the thing

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee: Jeremy wants a ferret Wait wtf no way

heres.themotherfuckin.tea: O M G☕☕☕☕

100%thatbitch: Okay and..? How are we supposed to help?

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee: well, its $500 just for the ferret not including supplies and I know I can't afford it on my own

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee: so I figured it could be one gift for Jer from all of us

TheatreKid: That is such a good idea! It's so sweet💛! I'm in! Why not I'm in too

Brookie_Cookie: I'm so in!👏💕

heres.themotherfuckin.tea: Im in too☕

JakeyD: Sure

100%thatbitch: ...fine but only because I care about Jeremy

MichaelMakesAnEntranceee: sweet thank you so much you guys

TheaterKid: No prob!

All users left the chatroom.

Chatroom closed.

The Next Day...

. The Squip Squad (minus Jeremy) walked into the Petco that Michael had brought Jeremy just two days before. Michael led the group to the ferret Jeremy had wanted and pointed to it. "That's him." He said.

"That's the ferret? It looks like a rat..." Chloe mumbled. "I guess it is kinda cute..." She sighed, looking at it.

"Thould I go get thomeone to like, unlock the cage and get uth the thupplieth for him and thit?" Rich asked. They nodded at him and he went off to find an employee.

Within 45 minutes, the Squad had left Petco, holding Jeremy's soon-to-be ferret. Michael and the rest of the Squad piled into his PT Cruiser and they drove to Jeremy's. Once they arrived, they walked up to the door, excited. Jeremy opened the door, surprised to see all of his friends before him.

"Hey guys what are you-" Jeremy cut himself off as Michael showed Jeremy the ferret.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouted, walking inside the house. Jeremy followed them and Michael set the ferret in Jeremy's arms.

"You guys- I- you really didn't have to..." Jeremy mumbled, hugging the ferret. He was grinning ear to ear. Was he... crying? No, no... his eyes are just sweating.

"But we wanted to." Brooke smiled. "But we can't take all the credit, it was Michael's idea." She nodded to Michael, who smiling at Jeremy.

"Thanks guys..."

(~This is brought to you by the adorable ferrets at Petco and me not sleeping.~)

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