Contest at School

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Bucky Pov

It is a few days after prom and our couch told us about a Singing & Dancing Contest. I entered I saw the dragon freaks and werewolves had all ready signed up. If you remember the prom how Moon shifter did a triple double. I mean like how. I hate them with all my guts.

Lacey : We are going to win this contest like easy.

Bucky : No we will not the werewolves and dragon freaks are doing it together.

Wyatt Pov

When we heard about the contest we signed up with the dragonborns. We started practicing what we were going to do. Moon Shifter was the leader of the dance. The pack got to pick the song and we picked (your fav song.)

{time skip about a few weeks}

Willa Pov

Time for the contest and Moon Shifter is ready with every thing. It was out on the football field. when to song came on we started. Moon Shifter started with a Back flip. then we did a back flip. Then we started to dance along with some of the dragonborns doing flips around us. A werewolf was pared up with a dragonborn. I was with Dark Shifter. Wyatt was with Moon Shifter. She needs a nick name. Then when We sing oh-la-la-la then dragons do a triple double. Some go full dragon when they land. Dark Shifter was one of them.

Moon Shifter Pov

The song started and we straight to business. I do a back flip and the dragons and werewolves did it at the same time. I was pared up with Wyatt. I did a triple double and the dragons did the same. the song ended. We got a perfect score. 

We went to the dragon den to party. I roar and the dragons do the same.

Dark Shifter Pov

We roar after Moon. Yeah that is her nickname. 

Me : Moon shall we?

she nods. then we flew up the the top and pulled a huge scale. Then the moon light shone on us. Willa looked happy.

Moon : We have some thing to the you.

Dark Shifter : We were here before the werewolves.

Wyatt : How?

WE tell him and all the werewolves. then the cheerleaders start coming in. 

Moon : How did they find our den.

Willa : I have no idea.

Thanks for reading!

Word count - 369 words

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