Scott McCall x reader ~You're sick

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Hellooooo. I'm being more active from now on since I have some time :). This ones basically about when you're sick and your amazing werewolf boyfriend Scott takes care of you till you're better. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Y/n- your name
H/c- your hair colour

Scott gently holds your hair from your face as you hurl more of your breakfast up. "You're doing great just keep taking deep breaths." Scott coos from behind you, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"I'm so sorry." You say embarrassed at the state of yourself leaning over the toilet about to wretch again.
"No hey hey it's no biggy y/n." Scott relieves you. "After you think you've finished I'm taking you back to bed ok?"

After about 3 more times hurling he picks you up bridal style and carries you over to his bed. "Thanks Scott." You smile drowsily, you're h/c hair sticking to your sweaty forehead. He gently uses the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe away some beads of sweat. "It's no problem." He smiles. "Can I get you anything?"
"Water." You reply with a croak, you'd mouth dry and remaking with the stench of your vomit. He quickly nods and sprints out, the stairs almost catching him off guard as he rushes to get some water. You giggle to yourself at his eagerness to help you.

"Here." He helps you sit up slowly allowing you to take small sips of water before easing your head back onto the pillow. You let out a groan as you cuddle up in the covers to get comfortable. "Will you cuddle with me?" You pout as he chuckles and slides under the duvet pulling you into his chest. "That's better." You smile happily as you drift into a world of dreams.
"I love you y/n." He whispers leaving a kiss on your forehead.

So yeah I was in a fluffy Scott mood again. Please feel free to send requests about Scott or teen wolf or maze runner byeee 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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