“Idiot!” Gran Torino stepped up to Izuku with his hands on his hips. “I could yell at you for hours after what the two of you have pulled. You really want this old man to die of a heart attack.” 

“I’m sorry,” Izuku’s face immediately fell and he hung his head. “I didn’t mean to worry you.” 

“Tch… just like you’re old man, always apologizing.” He sighed heavily. “Anyway I’ll lecture you and your sister later. Right now you’ve a visitor.” 

All three heads looked up as a figure stepped in. The Chief of Police stood in front of them, a standard man, but with the head of a dog. “This is Hosu’s chief of police, Kenji Tsurugami. He’d like to talk with you all.” The three of them stood, and bowed to the chief in full respect. 

“So, you are three of the four who took down the Hero Killer?” 

“Yes,” Todoroki grunted knowing this conversation didn’t bode well. 

“Stain has some serious injuries; some severe burns, and several broken bones. Right now he’s in the hospital under strict guard, woof.” The police chief explained. “There’s a lesson you should have already learned. When quirks became the norm the police force sought to maintain the status quo. It was decided we wouldn’t use quirks as weapons. That’s where the heroes came in. They could do what we couldn’t, so long as they were licensed.” 

Izuku gulped loudly. He didn’t like where this was going. 

“It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly quirks, after all we’re here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason Heroes can use their quirks now is because of the strict code of ethics the early heroes chose to abide by. That is why it is against the law for uncertified people to use their quirks to cause injury. Whether you were against the hero killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain. Furthermore Miss Midoriya took it a step further by actively killing a villain knowing full well what she was doing.” 

“She was only trying to-” Izuku tried to defend his sister, but Gran Torino shook his head.

“That is why the four of you and your instructors should receive punishment for this gross misuse of your powers.” The captain cut him off and had Todoroki snarling in response.

“Now just hold on one damn minute!” Todoroki stepped forward, his temper flaring. “If Iida hadn’t stepped in, Native would be dead! If Izumi hadn’t stepped in BOTH of them would be dead!  No one but the three of them had realized the Hero Killer was in Hosu! Are you saying we should have just stood by and watch people die!?” 

“Todoroki, calm down…” Izuku braced a hand on his friend’s chest. 

“So it’s okay for you to break the law so long as it goes your way?” The Chief asked staring Todoroki down. 

“Isn’t it a hero’s job to save people!?” Todoroki demanded.

“This is why you’re not a full fledged pro, yet.” He sighed. “It would seem U.A. and Endeavor haven’t been teaching you near enough. What a shame.” 

“You damn Mutt!”

“Todoroki!” Izuku and Iida stepped in front of him trying to stop the young hero from losing his temper. 

“Now just hold on,” Valkyrie stepped up narrowing her eyes on the boys, “hear him out until the end.” 

“As I was saying, this would be the official act of the police department… if any of this had been made public.” He scratched his nose his voice calming. 

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