{ Chapter 12 }

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My eyes slowly drift open, but I slam them shut when a bright light basically punches me in the eyeballs. I lift up my hand to block out the light  to avoid its searing gaze, only to realize it's the sun.

'Why would-?'

Suddenly it all rushes back to me, the baking and the explosion. I try to push myself up into a sitting position with a groan, but I realize that I have the stone kitchen countertop resting pretty on my midsection. Basically, I'm trapped.

Before I can even think of what to do, two familiar faces come rushing through what was my apartment.

"Agent Sloane-" I'm interrupted by a hacking cough from all the rubble and dust that I inhaled, "Agent Musco, boy am I glad to see you guys."

It takes me a second to notice that they're speaking and another second to realize that I can't hear them very well, especially not over the ringing in my ears... which I also hadn't noticed before.

Agent Musco quickly gets to work on lifting the countertop off of me, while Agent Sloane keeps lookout for anyone that might come and try to hurt me further.

Agent Musco lifts the slab with a heavy exhale and I quickly slide out and move away to make sure that he doesn't drop the slab on me. That movement sends a blinding shockwave of pain through my head and I almost blackout again.

'I probably have a concussion, I think?'

My vision clears just in time to see Agent Musco hovering over me to check if I'm alright and Agent Sloane knocking him out cold with the butt of her handgun.

I fail to register that she turns her target to me next and before I can even get a word out I'm knocked out too.

'Make that two concussions.'


My eyes slowly blink open.

The world is blurry and sort of slowed down.

'Was I drugged?'

I'm lying on my stomach, my face is touching something cold. The floor?

'Where am I?'

I blink sluggishly, trying to clear my vision.

'Wait... are we moving?'

I groan and try to roll over to see where I am.

I catch a glimpse of the back of the van I'm in and Agent Sloane in the driver's seat.

She quickly glances at me and notices that I'm coming to.

Before I can process anything else, she reaches back and knocks me out again.

'Oh great, make that three concussions.'


I hear murmuring around me.

I blink my eyes open again to see blurry ceiling lights above.

I'm in a type of hospital bed?

I'm being pushed down the hallway.

'Where am I?'

I start to notice the people around me.


They seem in a rush, one is carrying a drip.

'Cool lab coats, I want one.'

I feel a bit loopy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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