{Chapter 10}

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Peter just clicks the 'end call' button and I get up to open the terrace doors.

Tony lands and walks inside the apartment. Stepping out, he looks at us from behind the dark sunglasses that are hiding his face.

Hands in his pockets, he walks around and looks at the ornaments, especially the picture frames containing photos of Peter and I, none of those contained any of our family though. I had become quite sentimental recently and I wanted to document out fresh start, the one without our family in it.

"That's a cute one," he points to the most recent picture of us. It was a selfie of us at the park, Peter had taken me on a picnic date there, but we had been attacked by a flock of ducks.

"Thanks," I reply curtly, still uncomfortable in his presence, especially considering how I acted the last time we spoke.

He turns to me and takes off his sunglasses, the bags under his eyes clearly visible. He rubs the bridge of his nose tiredly. "So what do you need me for?"

"Welllll..." Peter trails off and looks to me with the 'Help me' eyes and basically begging for me to say something.

I roll my eyes, 'Wimp.'

"There's a lady that's been following Peter and I- and- I see her every time we go out," I look at Peter and take his hand, playing with his fingers. Tony's eyes follow this action.

"A-and I think she's stalking us, but I can't be sure and if I'm bring honest, I'm starting to feel a little crazy."

Tony nods and thinks quietly, slowly pacing in front of the terrace windows. He stops.

"Stalking, you say?" he turns to us "Has she made any contact, given you any reason to suspect harmful intent?"

Peter goes to say 'no', but I beat him to it.

"Look, Tony. I know that what I said wasn't that nice and that it really hurt your feelings and I'm sorry, but you've got to believe me. There's something not right about her, I can sense it."

Tony rolls his eyes; "What, so you have your own special 'Peter-tingle' now too?" he quips sarcastically.

He goes to say more, but a look from Peter stops him in his tracks.

"Mr Stark, please don't speak to my wife like that and with all due respect sir, I believe her if she says something's up. I felt it too, if you don't want to believe her, then believe me."

I look at Peter questioningly.

"I didn't want to worry you just yet," he whispers and I nod in understanding. Tony speaks up again.

"Alright underoos, I'll help you, but you'll have to come to the new facility with me."

We both nod eagerly any mention of the possible threat flung from our minds, "When?" I ask excitedly.

The suit suddenly starts to enclose Tony's body again, "Right now," he says as the mask forms over his face.

That sends Peter and I into action. We scramble around to grab our things in a flurry of candy wrappers and limbs.


"Okay, hang on tight to your girl underoos!"

Peter nods and the Iron Spider suit forms around him too. We walk out onto the terrace, I lock the door and Tony lifts up into the sky.

Peter grabs me tightly by the waist and shoots a web that attaches to Tony's suit, and the next moment we're off the ground and zooming through the clouds, a trail of my screams in our wake.

~Time Skip~

Once we land, and I'm done screaming my lungs out, I drop to my knees and almost kiss the floor.

"Never ever again," I heave.

Peter pats my back understandingly; "You'll get used to it."

His comment makes me whip my head to face him and give him my very own 'Bat-glare'.

"Woah! Okay," he steps back, hands up in surrender; "Sorry, sorry! Bad timing, I know."

"Hey, are you lovebirds done yet? I'm on a schedule here," Tony pipes up from the compound's main entrance.

"Yeah, sorry," I mutter as Peter hauls me to my feet. We dash over to where Tony's waiting and I need to stop myself from laughing at Peter's awestruck face, even Tony let's out a chuckle.

"Like what you see kid?"

"Yea- I mean- Yeah!" Peter shakes out of his awed stupor and shakes his head a little, "I mean it's just- just so cool!"

I giggle and nod, grabbing his hand to make sure that he doesn't get distracted and go off exploring somewhere.

I pull him along as we follow Tony down a bunch of different hallways, Peter babbling excitedly all the while.

I can't stop the smile that bursts onto my face each time he turns to me with his wide eyes full of wonder, he looked the same way, I'd imagine, if I took him to Lego Land.

Peter's excitement dies down as we approach a glass room with what appears to be the entire Avengers waiting for us. The air reeks of seriousness and it squashes any last bit of a smile Peter had.

'He looks hot when he's serious,' I smirk to myself with a mental pat on the back for my good taste in men.

Tony pushes open the door and we step into the high-tech board room.

Steve stands to greet us as we enter and his movement causes all eyes to turn to us and I suddenly wished that I had dressed a bit better or had some cool powers or something.

Before we could introduce ourselves to the new faces Steve sat down and turned to Tony.

"So, why did you call us in this time Tony?"

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