Chapter 7

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They arrived at the dorms Yaoyorozu slowly but gently removes her hand from Todoroki because if people were still in their dorms they would get the wrong idea,but she wished she hadnt. When they entered they headed for Todoroki's room.

Todoroki opened the door and saw his room like it was left.He looked around and saw his notebook with a pencil laying on the desk everything else was nice and neat.Yaoyorozu watched from outside the room."oh you can come in if you want to" says Todoroki.Yaoyorozu nodded as she entered she started blushing at the thought of entering the person she admired and she also got another feeling but she didnt know what it was.

As she entered the room she looked around she sat on Todoroki's bed.Todoroki was getting a new pair of clothes "I-im going to take a shower real fast,you can relax or whatever you wanna do"said Todoroki as he entered the restroom.Yaoyorozu got up and headed to the door she opened it and closed it as she walked out she walked to her dorm.When she got there she wore her school uniform and her bag and packed all her stuff.After that she headed back to Todoroki's dorm she knock to make sure Todoroki was still in the shower.No reply,so she quietly entered and sat on the bed.She waited around for 3 mins and Todoroki was out.

Todoroki walked out with his hair messy,it was fuzzy and watery he was wearing his school uniform."woah you changed as well"said Todoroki Yaoyorozu was glued to Todoroki's look even though she had seen Todoroki in his uniform she had never seen Todoroki with wet hair."Yaoyorozu?" "Oh sorry,I just went back to my dorm while you were showering" said Yaoyorozu.

                         At U.A
They were both walking down the hallways to get to their classroom. They were chatting about how the classroom is going to be happy Todoroki's back,then and there Yaoyorozu would giggle which would make Todoroki feel a certain why.Throughout the journey they felt butterflies in their stomches but didnt know why.

They arrived at the classroom door and slid it open everyone turned to see who it was.When they saw it was Todoroki they all crowded him asking him questions except for lida,Bakugo,and some other guys. Lida was trying to get everyone to calm down though.Mr.Aizawa suddenly appeared and the students went back to their seats. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu went to their seats as well(quickly so Mr.Aizawa doesnt get mad)When they were all settled Mr.Aizawa spoke and said

"As you can see Todoroki has come back,even though you have millions of questions to ask you can do that later.Anyways from that experince all that I can say is*cough* DONT FIGHT  VILLIANS ON YOUR OWN,YOU HAVE TO GO FIND A PRO HERO AND THEN GET TO A SAFE PLACE,TODOROKI* *gives Todoroki a death stare* "y-yes sir"replied Todoroki "THAT GOES FOR EVERYONE ELSE TOO,anyways I have important news,even though I think we should continue our training Principal Nezu said we're having a
field trip" Everyone starts cheering and chatting.

"Settle down!" *straightens voice* "As i was saying,We are having a field trip to an arcade that's going to happen on Monday,you will bring your own money to buy anything you want,you will also use the money to buy your own food.You will be able to be in groups but you can be on your own. *gives papers to students to pass out* "Okay,thats all class dismissed" finishes Mr.Aizawa as he gets in his yellow sleeping bag and heads out.Yaoyorozu gets the paper and hands it to the next person which was Todoroki as Todoroki recived it and passed down he got an idea.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you on the next one 👌

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