Chapter 6

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if you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't....


" I am going with your mom , you come with your brother okay " My dad said and I roll my eyes , he just find excuses so that he can spend time with her .

Nodding my head I smack my little brother head asking him to sit along .

" I don't want to go with you " he grimace .

" Because you are strict and a spoilsport " he huff looking outside .

I smirk turning the steering wheel " it's call responsible '' 

" I really wonder , How Samiya going to tolerate you " 

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her . My eyes sparkle with warmth and nostalgia as I gazes into the road ahead .

You know, falling in love is never predictable. It’s an inexplicable emotion that can strike you at any given moment. For me, it happened in the most unexpected way—with my childhood best friend Samiya…

Flashback montage:

A young Samiya and Zunaid  both around ten years old, playfully chasing each other through lush green fields. Their laughter fills the air as they run freely, oblivious to the world around them.

We were inseparable, always finding solace in each other's company. Growing up together meant we shared every laugh and every tear, creating a bond that I thought could never be broken.

Flash back end .

As the years passed and we reached our teenage years, something shifted. I began noticing how her eyes sparkled like stars when she laughed and how her smile could light up even the darkest corners of my world.

The car stop and I glance at the house , my lips automatically curl up at the thought .

" Oh my God , my eyes , my eyes " Ayaan close his eyes .

I frown and just looking at his antics .

" DID I JUST SAW MY BROTHER BLUSH " He gasp dramatically.  I shook my head and get out . I don't have time for this nonsense .

As I walked through their garden my eyes automatically went upward ,my feet came to a halt when I saw her peeping from the window . We exchange glances and share shy smiles that speak volumes.

I shook my head thinking about High school When it only amplified these feelings. The more time I spent with her, the stronger those emotions grew. But I was terrified. Terrified of losing the friendship we cherished so deeply.

But after a while Samiya started to maintain distance because we both are practising Muslim and we don't want to fall in sin , so we decided when the right time would come . I will ask her father for her hand in marriage .

And now, I'm about to fulfil my promise , my dream.

Because finding love with your best friend is a rarity, a treasure that deserves to be celebrated.

I look down and take a deep breath, ready to embark on a new chapter of our lives.

Mannat p.o.v

The living room is adorned with elegant decorations, reminding me that today Zunaid is going to ask for Samiya. Zara aunty and Uncle already came , even Bashir and Bella anty came with their family too .The atmosphere is celebratory, with laughter and excitement lingering in the air. 

I didn't go out from my room paces back and forth, a mixture of anxiety and jealousy etched on my face.

I took out my phone going through our childhood photos.

I gazed longingly at a beautiful picture of our childhood, where everyone was smiling looking straight at the camera except Zunaid , who was captured with his infectious smiles and evident happiness, looking at Samiya , triggering a jealous fire within my heart.

I wipe my tears as I notice Zoya , my best friend since childhood, enter the room. 

She is Seher's aunty daughter. My mother and Seher aunty used to be best friends in school and now we are , after Samiya, the only person I can trust is Zoya .

Third person p.o.v

Zoya, sensing something amiss, approaches Mannat with a gentle touch on her shoulder.

" What's eating at you, Mannat? You seem... different today " she asks with concern .

Mannat tears her eyes away from the photograph, attempting to mask her pain.

She sighs " "  it's just… nothing…" Zoya felt like She wanted to say something more but held it all inside .

" I hope you know that I am your best friend and know when something is wrong with you, " Zoya said sternly .

" He is going to propose " Mannat's voice breaks down .

" Proposed who? " she asked, confused .

Mannat felt frustrated " Zunaid , He loves Samiya  and going to propose today " 

Zoya's eyes widen with understanding, and she leads her to the plush couch, urging her to sit.

"  I know It hurts, seeing the man you love marrying another" her voice was soft just like Samiya .

" Then why mom and Dadi made me believe that one day I will marry him and now they look so happy , as if rubbing salt into my wounds " Mannat cried out .

Zoya reaches for Mannat's hand, offering solace in her touch.

" I understand your pain, but remember that love is a fickle thing. It blinds us, and sometimes, it chooses paths we wouldn't expect " 

 emotions intensify, her anger rising in waves.

" NO !  She's always been the golden child, effortlessly stealing everything that mattered most to me. And now, she's snatched Zunaid away too!

Zoya leans in, her voice soft yet firm.

" Mannat love isn't a competition. It's not about winning or losing. It's about finding happiness, sometimes even in unexpected places.

Mannat  looks at Zoya, her eyes filling with tears.

" But what about my happiness? Will I ever find it?" Mannat was trying her best not to look weak .

" You will, Mannat. But perhaps it's time to let go of Zunaid, to allow fate to guide your heart in a different direction " Mannat's grip on Zoya hand tightens as she contemplates the painful truth.

" Maybe you're right, Zo. Maybe it's time to walk away and find my own path to happiness. " She Barely whispers. 

" Samiya is my sister and I need to be happy for her " She wiped her tears with determination .

As she says those words, a sense of liberation washes over her, mingling with the heartache. The realisation that she must move forward begins to overshadow her jealousy, planting the seed of hope within her wounded soul.


Do you think Mannat deserve a chance to be happy too??

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