Chapter 4

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That Summer

"Come on Reggie! Stop being an old man and hurry your tiny butt up here!" Sirius yelled running up the stairs, Regulus walked slowly behind him.

"We have all summer and it's not like anyone has moved anything in there." They made it to Regulus's art studio, Regulus getting a fresh canvas and setting it up on his easel. Sirius pulled out some new Queens disc he just got. Regulus started warming up and painting flowers, but this time he added yellows with the greens. Sirius saw the yellow on his brush and perked up. "Is someone in a good mood?"

"Well I suppose, I'm just feeling this vibe right now. The way they have light and dark, how they are almost they same but if you use them right they can show completely different emotions and how they can say so much about each other and- oops I'm sorry I got distracted." Regulus said his face growing red from embarrassment.

"Never thought about painting like that but what you said was pretty cute. Might have all of Hogwarts falling for you now!" Sirius said dramatically.

"Oh shut up!" Regulus said. Sirius hummed along your the music dancing around while Regulus painted.

Time flew by way to quickly for the two boys as their father called them down for dinner. Regulus hung up his painting and tidied up his supplies while Sirius tripped over the cds trying to turn the CD player off. "I swear Sirius you are going to clean that up after dinner." Regulus said moving some older paintings.

"We'll see about that," Sirius said running out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

"SIRIUS! Ugh I swear one day he will get murdered by his own brother but nobody will know so I get away with it and I get a nuisance out of my life." Regulus's said walking down the stairs. Once he got in the kitchen he started helping the house elves set the table, Sirius joined in. Once they where down Regulus thanked the house elf and sat down across from Sirius. Orion came in and sat at the head of the table, "so ho have my boys been?"

"Great! I failed all my classes and flirted with my teacher!" Sirius said laughing. Orion didn't realize the sarcasm so he tried to stay calm.

"Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Dad he's being sarcastic, while he doesn't have the best grades there acceptable and for the teacher thing that's probably true." Regulus said picking at his food, he never ate much.

"Oh ok- WAIT Sirius you can't go flirting with teachers!" Orion said sternly.

"I just wanted to get out of detention and it worked! Soooo does it really matter?" Sirius said melodramatically.

"I swear sometimes I can't handle you two." Orion said rubbing his forehead. "What about you Regulus?"

"Well I got all O's and that's about it." Regulus's said politely.

"I'm proud of both of you two but if I get a letter that you flirted with a teacher I will just have to feed you to tigers!" Orion said sarcastically.

Time skip to June 25th

"REGGIEEEEEEEE! GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS?" Sirius yelled bursting into Regulus's room.

"Sirius it's 7:13 am! Go away!" Regulus's said throwing a pillow in Sirius's direction.

"Reggie you are thirteen! A teenager now we must celebrate! I have already called a few people!" Sirius said.

"Who?" Regulus asked his brother who came and sat on his bed.

"I owled Zaire he cant come he has a family dinner tonight but he sent this." Sirius said handing Regulus a green package. Regulus opened it and saw an all about slugs book. "Ew why a slug book?" Sirius asked making a disgusted face.

Summer ~ Jegulus Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora