Chapter 8

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"JAMES FUCKING POTTER," a series of thuds and harsh footsteps range the hallway. James stepped away from the door now trying to find the voice. Looking up he saw Sirius running towards him frantically. "God James what are you doing up here? Irrelevant, anyway REMUS INVITED ME TO STAY WITH HIS FAMILY THE REST THE WEEK AND I WOULD COME HOME CHRISTMAS DAY."

"WHAT? THAT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING YOU'LL HAVE SO MUCH FUN!" James cheered with him not thinking about how the week would pan out for him.

"But I won't go if you don't want me to, you're my guest and I completely understand that."

James took the other lad's hands, "Siri, I love you and I want you to be happy, plus I'll have a mini you here the entire time. Go have fun with Remus for me, ok?" Sirius just hugged the other as tight as he could.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you too Jamsey come help me pack!" Sirius ran down the hallway James pacing behind.


After Sirius had left, the house was dead silent. James sat alone for hours at this point just thinking of anything to do. He decided finding the only other person in the house would be a good place to start. It didn't take long before the younger boy was found making tea in the kitchen. James walked up behind him, "Baby bla-"

"WHAT THE FUCK! Oh my god james what the hell, don't just creep up on people out of nowhere." The boy tensed up, then realized he had dropped all his tea herbs on the counter. James saw the frustration in Regulus's eyes wanting to ease the situation in any way possible. "I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, shit, let me help clean that up!" He started scooping the herbs back into their designated containers, but stopped when he realized there were two tea glasses. "Who else is here?"


"You made two cups of tea, who else is here? Unless you just wanted a lot of tea."

"Oh, I didn't want you to die of thirst I guess." Regulus started to relax a bit. James smiled and felt his cheeks get rosy. "Aww baby black you care about me, come hereee." He opened his arms for a hug.

"Nope, no way I am not hugging you." Regulus said going back to making the tea, but it was already too late James wrapped his arms around the boy. "James! You stink get off me." Regulus said yet still hugged back just as tightly. After letting go Regulus finished the tea and offered it to James, who happily accepted. "I'm gonna go paint." As the younger was walking away James stopped him.

"Can I, can I watch?" To which Regulus just nodded and kept walking.


Regulus sat in his chair and painted until late that evening only moving to switch out paints. "What are you painting that takes that long?" James asked for the thousandth time.

"You'll see." Same reply he got every time. They had been up in the room for hours at this point, james talked the whole time, non-stop it seemed, but Regulus didn't seem to mind he seemed content. James whined, "please can I see it now? Reggie I'll do anything!"

Regulus looked up cocking an eyebrow, "anything?"

James didn't even flinch, a grin on his face as he leaned over a bit, "anything."

The youngest face flushed with red as he hid behind the canvas, heart pounding. "Nope. Can't see it." James just fell back on the ground and laid there. After a few minutes of silence he sat up and huffed. "Give me a hint."

After a few seconds of silence Regulus spoke softly, "I can't comprehend what I'm paintings beauty."

"What's that mean?" James asked peering into Regulus's soft eyes, trying to grasp the other's sentence. "Is it a different type of flower? A peony? Those would be hard to paint."

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