Chapter 6

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A month before Christmas break, Sirius's 6th year Regulus's 5th
(I no longer care how old they actually are Sirius is 16 and Regulus is 15 so deal with it lol)

This is were the real story begins

Regulus and Sirius got in a bigger fight then they every had.


Regulus had left his room a total of 3 times since the argument, and the argument happened about a month ago.


Regulus was breaking inside he couldn't take it anymore, he stopped talking in total. He stopped caring completely, he didn't care about his image, about his skills, or painting, and flying, or potions, nothing! He gave it all up. He didn't even let Remus near him.

Regulus understands when Sirius is angry he doesn't mean what he says, but he couldn't take it. It was eating him alive, all his words felt so fucking real.

TW ⚠️ cutting suicidal thoughts

Regulus ran to the bathroom, grabbing his prions bag and locking the door behind him. He rummaged threw the bag before he pulled out a small knife. He pulled his robes off and raised his sleeve. He's done this before so he knew what he was doing. He put the sharp needle on his skin gashing at all his old healed over scars. Blood dripping to the floor, 5 cuts.

7 cuts....

9 cuts.....

13 cuts....

His cuts were deep, deeper then he had ever made them. Tears running down his face. "You worthless piece of shit, not even your brother likes you."

"Never speak to me or MY friends again, no one cares anyways."

"Damnit," Regulus sighed wiping his tears away. He turned on the sink making sure the water was a bit warmer. He cleaned off his cuts wrapping his arms tightly.

⚠️ you can keep readin now

Regulus laid in bed, burritoed by at least eight blankets. Blaire walked in sighing, "you did it again didn't you?"

Regulus just groaned and mumbled incoherent words.

"Shit fucking shit, get out of the blankets." Regulus knew he couldn't fight with Blaire, so he kicked off the blankets keeping one. Blaire pulled the smaller boys sleeves up, slowly peeling the wrap off. His mom was a healer, he wanted to be one too so he knew a lot. (Regulus thought he'd make a good model though)

"Holy fucking shit, you really outdid yourself mate. The spell I used to use won't work with this I will have to use a few and maybe brew some potions. Mate if you do this again I will hex the living shit out of you." Blaire took his cloak off, revealing him with a tucked in dress shirt underneath. He loosened his tie, then grabbed his wand.

(Truth be told him and Regulus dated for like a month at the beginning of the year. After a month neither of them were into it, randomly they would cuddle. Or if they were both fine with it they'd make out.)

"This spell is gonna hurt more then getting fucked by someone with the biggest dick in the world. Here hold onto my arm." Regulus obeyed silently, Blaire said a spell. Regulus almost screamed at the instant pain. He gripped Blaire's arm tightly, and but his tongue. "Ok that's was the worst one but they're already getting better."

"Im sorry,"

"No shit, I swear you have people who are here for you. We can always talk, this isn't healthy and one day I may not be able to heal you. Then you'll die and I'll have to come to your funeral, and that's not fair. You know I hate funerals, you can't do that to me." Blaire said, then another spell. Regulus wrapped his arms around Blaire hugging him tightly. Blaire sighed hugging back. "Please don't keep this up, you're my best friend. That's all the spells I can do right now." Blaire scooted onto Regulus's bed, still holding onto the small boy.

(Why am I starting to ship thisss 😭)

A week later

Regulus had just left the library, he was happy. Him and Sirius hadn't actually talked, but there was an unspoken mutual apology. Everyone was in the Great Hall eating breakfast. The owls came in, a big grey owl landed in front of James. He opened the letter giving the owl some toast. He opened the letter then got up running out of the Great Hall, not far behind Sirius, Remus, and Peter came after him. The whole Great Hall went silent, a few people whispering.

James wasn't seen at lessons after that, Remus or Peter would always come to the Great Hall way then bring a few plates of food to them.

796 words

This is where shit will start going down, and soon I promise jegulus and fluff!

I honestly really don't like this story but I want to turn it around here because I put too much time into the rest to start over lol.

Qotd: Fav character that was alive during the Marauders times? (Remus, Regulus, James, Dumbledore, ect..)

Mines James, Sirius, and Regulus.

Now my dude I shall give you my love and worship! Iloveyouallsomuchandyalllightupmydayeverydayandyouregorgouesorhandsomeorbothifyoupreferandiloveyouandyoureaqueenandyouramazingandinspiring!

Also last thing! Drink some water and eat something if you can, you need it!

Now I must go start the next chapter!


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