Wait, What Happened?

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Sophie Elizabeth Foster's life wasn't easy. After battling with the Neverseen for nine years, her hope had begun to fade. It had been twelve years since she and her friends defeated the Neverseen alongside the Black Swan. The Black Swan soon became accepted by the public, who were slowly realising that the Collective and its members only had the people's best interests at heart. Suffice it to say, the victory had not been without casualties. Many friends, enemies, bodyguards and people of the nobility had been killed.

Keefe had turned out to be a descryer, Lady Gisela being obsessed with potential. But a major piece of their success had to do with Keefe not letting Gisela take advantage of him. He had learned that the hard way when he ignored Sophie and Tam's direct orders to not come down to Loamnore. And lucky for him, after watching as Keefe kept her up and supported her unconditionally through the battle with the Neverseen, Sophie had realized that surprisingly, Lord Cassius had been right! Her head wanted to be with Fitz, everything about the two of them together just made sense. They were Cognates, Telepaths, he was the one to find her, his eyes were her favorite color and he was more perfect than anyone she had ever met. But, after being with him, she realized that her heart didn't want to be with someone perfect. She wanted to be with someone who was just as messed up as her, someone who had been there for her through it all, someone who wouldn't care that she was unmatchable, someone like... Keefe.

They had had their first kiss right on that battlefield, after taking down his mother. He had initiated it, and it was spontaneous and full of love, two things that she loved about him. Yes, she loved him. The words had just felt right. Being with Keefe wasn't awkward or unnatural, it was extremely natural. They became the "power couple" of the Lost Cities, and took their relationship slow, allowing Sophie to deal with the issues in the Lost Cities that she needed to fix.

She changed the matchmaking system to make sure that bad matches were a thing of the past and the only elves you couldn't date were your family members. She made it so that the talentless didn't have to go to Exillium and could remain at Foxfire to one day go into the nobility. Marella took over mentoring pyrokinetics, which both she and Sophie unbanned. Though her adjustments to the systems took some time, eventually, she and Keefe got married and had kids. Sophie became the head of the Black Swan, with all of her friends on the Collective. Fitz and Lihn had gotten married, along with Tam and Biana and Dex and Marella. Wylie served as an undercover emissary for the Council so he sometimes wasn't heard from for months on end, but he always came back to visit. Everyone lived happily ever after, or so they thought.

Before the Neverseen had been defeated, they created their own Moonlark, their Flareadon. Mostly following the same steps as the Black Swan, changing only that their Flareadon would age faster in the Forbidden Cities and be aged eleven in two years, they sent their creation off to live in the Forbidden Cities, thinking that after the two years was up, they would pull their immensely powerful Flareadon back to the Forbidden Cities and destroy the Black Swan. What the Neverseen didn't realize though, is that in order for their creation to maintain those capabilities of speed aging, it would need to remain in the lost cities for a year before going out into the Forbidden Cities. Due to this oversight, the child grew up at a normal rate. Since the Neverseen didn't live to see that day, the fate of the Flareadon now rests on Sophie Foster's shoulders.

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