It looked as though Tseng was barely able to keep from rolling his eyes when he answered. "I have made a note of that fact in my reports. Have no fear, the Director may not be happy currently, but even I will admit that there is more going on here that I cannot easily dismiss. We may need to continue to investigate, but I no longer believe that it is all a fabrication to undermine the company. Especially as we have continually heard that the company should stand."

Kris had not waited to eat while they were talking. So she swallowed before she spoke up. "You're right, the world can't afford for Shinra to fall, and we need Veld to work with us. I have no problem talking to him, as he has a stake in this too. Given what you just said, I suppose that means you want to leave as soon as possible?"

Tseng gave her an evaluating look before he looked at Genesis with a smirk. "At least one half of this future couple will have sense."

Genesis growled at the implied insult, and Kris frowned. She pinned her 'boss' with a glare. "Do you mind not being an ass. You have gotten what you wanted, and we will be headed back, so there is no point in it."

Tseng's look twisted slightly before his impassive mask came back. "As much as I would like to press the matter, it does not make sense to have you in the field for now. Motherhood and being in the line of fire are not often compatible."

For the first time that morning, Genesis did not look like he wanted to kill the Turk. Instead, he moved to change the subject. "If we are to leave right away, and not return to Midgar, what will we do with Hollander?"

Tseng sighed. "That is something that needs to be discussed. Is this a secure location? We cannot afford for him to get loose, nor can we afford for him to get in touch with any of his contacts back in Midgar."

They were all shocked when Genesis' father stepped forward. "We would be willing to keep him here. Given all we have heard, it would be one less thing for you all to worry about. At least for now. If he is to be tried, then he can be retrieved once things in Midgar are settled."

Tseng and Genesis both gave him wary looks, but it was Sephiroth that spoke up. "Please forgive me if this sounds rude, but even with Kris' insistence that Genesis give you a chance, it is hard for any of us to trust your intentions. Why should we?"

Angeal started to step forward, but the man held up a hand and spoke. "We understand that our past affiliation with Shinra does lend itself to your distrust, but you have to understand that right now, all we care about is Genesis. His happiness has been our main objective for years. We had hoped that he would not be affected by the circumstances of his birth once Hollander left him with us, but we now realize that was a vain dream. Still, we are not willing to give up, especially when we see you fighting for your own futures."

"If that is not enough to grant your trust, then you need to look no further than his most recent actions in this village. He has kidnapped several villagers, and we assume they are dead, or worse." He paused at that point and looked at his son with heavy eyes before he looked back at the General. "We know Genesis did not have anything to do with those actions, but he was with Hollander at the time, and his presence was what allowed the man to get away with it. Now, there is no way the villagers would allow him to escape."

Once he finished speaking, Tseng gave him a nod with a wry twist of his lips. "Self-interest is one thing I do trust. Fine, we will leave him in your care for now." He then turned to the rest of the group. "If that is settled, I would like to leave by this afternoon. We have the helicopter ready."

Genesis started to object, but Kris cut him off. "Fine. Just know that given the way I've been feeling, it might take a little longer than the trip here did."

Tseng grimaced at the reminder, but he gave her a nod. "Make sure you have all you need before 14:00." He then pulled out his phone and turned to leave the room.

Once he was gone, Kris' attention was pulled by Genesis' mother. Despite her son's glare, she had Kris follow her to gather up a few things to take with her that would make the trip more comfortable, including a small supply of the tea she had been using to help with her nausea.

By the time they were ready to leave, Sephiroth had verified that Hollander was secured in a way that would be sustainable for the Rhapsodoses. Angeal had taken time to say goodbye to his mother as well. As for Genesis and Kris, they had taken time to say farewell to his parents. Despite the strain that was still in the relationship between son and parents, the goodbyes were sincere, and promises to return were made. All-in-all, their leaving of Banora was no less emotional than their arrival but far less angry.

The trip back to the Eastern Continent should have only taken a day and a half since they were not going all the way back to Midgar, but it ended up taking a little more than two days. Even with the tea to help, they had to stop several times due to Kris' sickness. The constant motion did not help. In the end, she tried to spend as much of the trip as possible asleep against Genesis. It was the only way she could stand it.

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