She gave him a nod before she finished toweling off and got dressed. Everything was a little too large, but it fit well enough that she was able to at least make it work. She wondered briefly if these were his mother's, but in the end, it didn't really matter. She could always go back to the uniform once it was washed.

Once she was dressed, she nodded to the door. "Let's go see what's for dinner. I'm actually starving."

Genesis smiled at the fact that she at least had an appetite. That was a good sign. Plus, she was steady and did not seem to be as worn as she was after the encounter in the cave. He hoped that meant she was healing from whatever ailment had caused her to continuously be sick for three days now. He opened the door for her and gestured down the hall. "After you."

It was only a few minutes later that they made it to the dining room. Kris could hear Zack speaking exuberantly from behind the door, and she grinned. She was looking forward to having a normal conversation with her brother.

When Genesis led her into the room, all conversation stopped. Kris felt slightly apprehensive at all the concerned gazes she was getting, but before anyone could say anything, the smell of the food seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks. She hadn't lied when she told Genesis she was starving, but suddenly her stomach felt like it was trying to crawl up her throat. She slammed her hand over her mouth and dashed back out of the room. She frantically looked for anything, anywhere she could go.

It was a lost cause as her body betrayed her. She dropped to her knees where she stood. She wasn't sure if it was lucky or not that she didn't have anything in her stomach as the dry heaves that wracked her body were making her already sore muscles feel like they were ripping.

It wasn't until they finally subsided that she heard the voices all around her. She sighed as she tried to stand, but Genesis was already right there. He had her up in his arms before she could blink. His voice was tightly controlled when he spoke. "One of you go and get Hollander. Bring him to my room." He then turned to his parents. "Mother, please bring any first aid items you have."

There was an explosion of voices again, but Kris managed to get his attention. "What are you doing? I just felt a little ill. I'll be fine. Why did you ask for Hollander?"

Genesis clenched his jaw once before he started walking and talking at the same time. "Hollander is the closest thing to a physician we have here currently, and you are not alright. When was the last meal you had that you did not lose again?"

Kris opened her mouth to rebuke him but snapped it shut when she realized he had a point. She had lost count of the number of times she had been sick over the last few days. She still didn't think it was anything for him to get this worked up over.

She wasn't given a chance to provide a rebuttal as Zack was suddenly by their side. "Sis, what is he talking about? I know you got sick the other night, but has it happened since then?"

Genesis answered for her, even if his tone was clipped. "Yes. Several times since then."

By that time, they had made it back to his room, and he laid her on the bed. When it looked like she was going to get up again, he gave her a stern look. "Stay there."

Kris huffed but knew she wasn't going to get anywhere until he was satisfied that she was alright. She then noticed several other people had followed them up. She groaned at the audience and wondered why Genesis wasn't yelling for them to get out. It was at that point that she saw his mother run into the room with a basket that she handed over.

Genesis took it with a nod before he set it next to the bed. He then grabbed a chair and pulled it to sit by Kris' side. She looked around at the concerned gazes from both Angeal and Zack. The latter looked like he was ready to break down. She tried to give him a reassuring smile as she ignored Tseng and his impassive face.

She was just about ready to ask them all to leave when Sephiroth ushered Hollander into the room. The man was complaining loudly, but he shut up as soon as Genesis stood with a glare. "Something is wrong with Kristobel. She has been unable to keep food down for days. You will examine her, but do not think this means you are going free."

Hollander hesitated for just a moment, but it wasn't long before he smiled and lifted his hands. "I'd be happy to help. I'll need these off."

Kris joined her lover in glaring at the man. If he thought he was fooling anyone with his demeanor, he would find how wrong he was very quickly. That didn't keep Genesis from letting Hollander loose, though he did give another warning as the professor made himself comfortable in the seat Genesis had vacated.

He immediately started asking questions that Kris did her best to answer. As he did this, Genesis pointed out the basket near his feet. Hollander was shocked to find an extensive assortment of household medicines and a few other things that you would not expect to be in a first aid kit, but he wasn't going to complain. It would help him figure this out.

He rummaged around in the basket until he found a stethoscope. That was exactly what he needed. He then had Kris lie down so he could exam a few more things. Genesis growled when the man moved to touch her, but Kris reassured him that it needed to happen if they were going to find out anything. It wasn't like Hollander was being inappropriate.

It was several minutes later that Hollander sat back with a gleam in his eyes. It was apparent that he was trying not to grin, and that fact creeped Kris out. That only lasted until the man spoke. "I will need to complete a follow-up blood test to confirm my diagnosis, but from your symptoms and what I just heard, it seems as though you are about three months pregnant."

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