Chapter 5

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Two weeks later the butter wound had healed and Y/n at full working capability. He slowly got used to the facts of living in Roanapur and being apart of the Lagoon company. His birthday was tomorrow and he hadn't much interest in it anymore. He slid a cassette he had bought and pressed play to hear the sounds of Return of the jedi audiobook. The sounds of the outside were drowned out by the headphones he wore as he relaxed.

Benny kissed his girlfriend Jane who was turned on by his skills with a computer, Y/n did a double take when Rock told him the story which got a laugh out of Revy. Today was to be a lazy day. A knock came from the door and Rock opened it to reveal Eda who held a big bottle of rum and Vodka. Named odka. Y/n was deep in lala land when Eda said.

Eda: "Beware Nuns bearing gifts"

She pushed her way past Rock and placed both bottles on the coffee table. Dutch looked at both bottles approvingly. Revy smiled at the liquor.

Dutch: "Alright you can stay"

Eda: "Let's get wasted!"

Before he knew it Y/n was drunk along with everyone else. Jane and Benny we'er in his room with the door closed, making strange noises like Yoko ohno. Rock was in a drinking contest with Revy which looked to have no end. Dutch was passed out drunk on the couch. Y/n was in his room with Eda with the door closed.

His head pounded as he awoke, he looked himself over and saw his clothes were still on and as were Eda's. Thank you jesus, Y/n thought as he stood his head pounding as if a sledge hammer hit it.

Y/n: "That was some vodka holy shit"

Eda: "It cost 50 dollars it had to be good...did we..."

Y/n: "Thankfully no"

Eda sighed in relief.

Eda: "Thank god"

Y/n exited the room to find the main room empty. Shit, Y/n told himself. Y/n grabbed his gun and slid it into the holster. He turned to Eda.

Y/n: "I'd see yourself out before they get back, last thing we need is them thinking we banged especially Revy"

Eda: "Agreed, see ya around kid if ya wanna confess your sins I'll be their~"

Y/n nodded as Eda exited out of the back doorway, Y/n sighed and walked to the coffee table to see a note. He could hear the Black lagoon idling in the back ground. 'Picking up client be back soon everyone else is on the boat. Sorry for not waking you but last thing i needed to see was Eda naked, Your boss Dutch, p.s don't insinuate Rock and Revy did it the last idiot ended up full of holes for that' Y/n finished and as if the gods commanded it the phone rang. He picked it up.

Y/n: "Hello?"

Mr Chang: "this is mr Chang calling, when you're done with the present job tell Dutch to call back. Oh yea congratulations on banging the nun from the hooligan church"

The phone clicked and his blood pressure began to rise. He marched out the back door and onto the dock huffing and puffing. He reached the Lagoon to see Revy on the bow with a smile on her face marking her guilty as charged.

Revy: "So did ya make Eda call you daddy"

Y/n only flipped her the bird and pulled himself onto the boat.

Y/n: "We passed out long before that, we were still clothed ya heartless bitch!"

He responded nearly shouting his words. Revy laughed Hysterically as Y/n entered the cabin only to have Rock and Benny clap at his entrance. God damn it, Y/n thought facepalming.

Benny: "I cannot believe you banged Eda ha ha not even rock got it with Revy"

Rock: "That's because she's crazy, rule one you don't stick your dick in Crazy!"

Benny: "Fair"

Dutch waited for the couple to get in the car. They looked to have been married 20 or so years and the fact they had a new born compacted that. He couldn't shake how familiar they looked as if he knew them or some one close. The man, woman and child entered the car signaling Dutch to drive.

Ralph: "Sorry their just had to get things set up when we arrive in Tokyo don't wanna wind up on hell's door step"

Dutch: "I understand. So who's meeting us at the dock?"

Rebecca: "The body guards we hired their names are Sawyer and Shenhua. Just extra protection that's all not offense"

Dutch: "Non taken as long as they behave we'll do just fine"

They reached the dock and like they said Shenhua and Sawyer where there. This is gonna be an interesting trip, Dutch mused getting out of the car. Rebecca soothed the infant as Ralph pulled two bags from the trunk. They followed silently too the boat. Revy saw 'chinglish' and shouted.

Revy: "Hey Chinglish any improvement on the bad accent!!"

Shenhua: "First you tell me how's to count up to ten!!"

She said with an accent which was murder on the ears. Revy muttered a curse at her sas and began Untie the Moorings. Y/n fired up the engine making purr like a kitten. Benny fired up his computers and equipment. Dutch entered the cabin and looked at Y/n seeing all the similarities he noticed with Rebecca and Ralph and his stomach dropped. Oh shittttt this is gonna be one hell of a trip, Dutch cursed to himself. Y/n looked at Dutch.

Y/n: "You alright?"

Dutch only nodded and seated himself behind the controls. Once outta port Dutch lit a cigarette as Ralph, Rebecca and their new born waited in the back with Sawyer and 'Chinglish'. Rock sat next to Dutch he knew something was bothering him.

Rock: "What's bothering ya, is it the passengers or their body guards?"

Dutch sighed deeply looking around to see Y/n nowhere.

Dutch: "The passengers are his parents, I only noticed it when It was too late. I'd really hate to Y/n's reaction"

Rock: "The fact they had another kid would send him over the edge. Let's hope he doesn't notice"

Dutch: "Where is he?"

Rock: "back their with Revy catting up a storm"

Fuckk, Dutch cursed himself again full blown shouting erupted from the back.

Y/n: "You cocksucking Mother fuckers I've should've known it was you!!!"

Rebecca: "You mistake god I wish I had You aborted!!"

The shouting got worse as Dutch sighed deeply. Revy and Sawyer dragged Y/n into the cabin knocked out with blood trailing down his nose. Rock looked and asked.

Rock: "What happened to him?"

Sawyer places her voice box up to her neck and said robotically.

Sawyer: "Rebecca knocked him out after he turned to leave such a dick move"

Dutch sighed deeply again.

Dutch: "Put him in the rest quarters and keep on them"

Revy and Sawyer nodded hauling Y/n away. This is gonna be the worst trip I've taken, Dutch mused as he nugged the throttle forward.

End chapter

Decent into the underworld (Black Lagoon fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin