Chapter 3

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With the bullet removed and the offer agreed on Y/n was now officially employed. Y/n laid on the couch in the office of the Lagoon company. Dutch was surprisingly chill with the stunt Y/n pulled and his reason was rather simple 'no one was hurt and you left our guns but that wasn't gonna stop two hands'. That reason played in his head as he thought back to the orphanage and when the records room burned to a crisp. He had assumed they had copies but that couldn't be farther from the truth and according to Benny, he didn't exist. He looked at the ceiling fan the feeling of dread welling up but retreating at the same time. I'm free I can be who ever I want to be, Y/n mused as he began to smile. Revy sat in the arm chair and saw him smile and said questioning.

Revy: "What are you so happy about?"

Y/n looked at her and responded.

Y/n: "I'm free, free from being who society says I should be. I can be my own man I can finally live"

Revy rolled her eyes but he didn't care he was free and that's all that mattered. Rock came out from Benny's room after hearing the news of the kid not existing and sat in the other arm chair across from Revy.

Rock: "Hows the leg?"

Y/n: "Fine fine just stings"

Rock nodded lighting a cigarette and took a drag.

Rock: "That's good, Me and Benny thought They were gonna murder you. Looks like we we're wrong"

Revy scoffed.

Revy: "Only because Balalaika was their"

Y/n: "Amen"

Dutch placed a coin into the pay phone and dialed a number. The phone rang and clicked.

Balalaika: "I don't understand why you keep using pay phones Dutch when a cell or land line is much cheaper in the long run"

Dutch: "Mabye one day but for now I'm contempt with Payphone. So what's the job"

Balalaika: "We have a shipment of goods coming through the east China sea, their only coming half way and you know what that means"

Dutch: "I do"

Benny with the flip of a switch brought the computer system to life, screens flickered as the drives powered up to be used. Rock hauled a few gas can aboard the Black lagoon securing them. Y/n limped aboard with a crutch, he was told it was low risk job for Hotel Moscow and when he asked why a Hotel would hire them everybody laughed and told him it was the Russian mafia which made him feel like a total idiot. Revy was on the bow loaded a Rpg and placing it under a hatch in the floor. Y/n gulped hopping they'd have to use such a weapon. He moved into the cabin where Dutch was doing a pre drive check. Y/n moved to a set of gauges and began to do a metal check of each.

Dutch: "Hows the gauges over there?"

Y/n did a double check and gave the thumbs up finding no words to say at the moment. Dutch smiled. He's gonna work out great, Dutch mused as he nudged the throttle forward. The Black Lagoon lurched forward picking up more and more speed as it jetted from harbor. Revy entered the cabin wiping the water off her face. Waves can be a bitch, Y/n thought in amusement.

Revy: "When we gonna get there Dutch?"

Dutch: "Three hours or so. Get Y/n a pistol he may need it"

Revy and Y/n looked at Dutch as If he was crazy he looked at both of them and said.

Dutch: "Alright convince me not"

Revy: "Ahem the stunt he pulled two days ago!, God knows what this crazy son of a bitch will do if I give him a gun"

Y/n: "I'm not like you that's for sure"

Revy shot a glance at Y/n who gulped.

Dutch: "Unlike Rock who will never pick up a gun Y/n has proven he's willing to shoot and I know he'll use it on others aside from us got it"

Revy scoffed and stomped down into the small armory.

Y/n: "Why?"

Dutch: "Because I trust you more with a gun than two hands, you won't go blowing away innocent people if they nearby"

That shook Y/n to his core, Revy was a true cold blooded killer. Revy came back into the cabin and held out a 45 magnum rolver enough fire power to stop a man dead in his tracks from the  just looking at it, hopefully. Y/n reluctantly grabbed the weapon and looked it over, a shiver going down his spine as he did. She passed him a chest holster which wound put the gun on his left side.

Y/n: "Thank you"

Revy didn't even nod she just turned and walked into the lower levels of the ship. Y/n strapped on the holster and slid the magnum in a pit building in his stomach.

Dutch: "Don't worry hopefully you won't have to use it today if we don't get any trouble from who we're 'boarding'. Hows the fule?"

Y/n checked the fule pushing the nagging feelings away.

Y/n: "Just above three quarters full. I'm gonna check on Benny quickly"

Dutch waved him off as he used his crutch to walk to the small computer room wheir Benny worked. Y/n opened the door and walked in leaving it open. Benny looked at saw him and smiled softly.

Benny: "What brings you to my humble domain"

He saw the gun and his smile faded and his cigarette fell from his mouth.

Benny: "Dutch gave you a gun! After the stunt you pulled with Eda's gun?"

Y/n: "I'm still surprised myself, I don't plan on using it on you or anyone else here I learned my lesson"

Benny: "Good that's good"

Benny said unsure of what he said. Y/n noticed it and responded with a sincere tone.

Y/n: "You have my word Benny as God as my witness I make this promise not just for me but for everyone who I know and care for"

A laugh came from behind a laugh that belonged to Revy. Y/n didn't turn to face her.

Revy: "That's very fucking cute and all but 'God as my witness' means jack shit here the only thing that matters is thrills and money kiddo just learn to understand that before you make your first kill"

Revy walked off and seconds later Rock entered the door frame.

Rock: "That's what I have to deal with a fare among of the time don't worry she'll ease up on you soon, hopefully"

End chapter

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