Chapter one

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Y/n watched as the Cruise ship shrank into the distance his hopes of surviving shrinking with it. He felt the nine mill pressing into his back as a Chinese American lady practically dragged him into the lower levels of the torpedo boat. He could see his life moving in slow motion in front of his eyes as the gunslinger motioned with her second pistol to speed up, Y/n complied not wishing his life to end just yet. Y/n saw a the same African American man who was on the cruise ship with the gunslinger at the boats controls with a pair of suggestive posters on his left. Y/n felt his heart skip a beat as he moved passed a guy in a Hawaiian shirt which look cheesy. The man wore glasses and smoked a normal cigarette from what Y/n could smell from the smoke. The whole boat smelled of cigarettes smoke and what ever oils and gas they used for the engine with traces of gunpowder to tie it all together. The gunslinger pushed him into a bunk room making Y/n stumble to the floor with a clank sound. He looked up to she a Japanese man in a white shirt and blue tie sitting in a chair taking a drag of a cigarette. Y/n resisted the urge to beg for his life, He wanted to die at least some dignity. The man from what Y/n saw had no weapons but there was two nine mills pointed at him from behind.

Gunslinger: "Get the fuck up you Pussy"

The gunslinger said with venom laced in her voice. Y/n complied again pulling himself to his feet as the man looked him over.

White collar: "You gonna try the ransom thing again like you before?"

The gunslinger laughed, clearly she tried this and didn't want to but that what happens when a clean job goes tits up.

Gunslinger: "If only this little bug tells us which country he's from, ok bug spit"

Y/n looked back at the gunslinger and spat on her boots before saying.

Y/n: "Go fuck yourself you two piece air head!"

The gunslinger's face twisted into anger  as she kicked Y/n in the face knocking him to the side of one of the bunks. Fuck me that was stupid, Y/n thought as the gunslinger pulled him to his feet looking him dead in the eyes before saying.

Gunslinger: "I'll say it again, where are you from ya little shit!"

Y/n looked into her eyes only to see fire behind them pure fire.

Y/n: "C Canada and here's a tip, mouth wash"

Before the gunslinger could punch him the white collar man grabbed her arm before she swung her fist.

Gunslinger: "You wanna die Rock!"

Rock: "No but let's not give him a concussion so we're not dragging him everywhere"

The gunslinger looked at Rock and sighed letting go of Y/n. The guy with the glasses entered the room to see the hostages face with a boot mark and blood.

Glasses: "Revy Dutch wants ya we've got a small ship coming from the west and he wants you to keep an eye on it"

Revy as she was called nodded and exited not before given Y/n a nasty look.

Glasses: "Told her to use mouth wash I guess"

Y/n nodded trying to keep up the tough guy act, and who said drama was useless. Glasses laughed handing him a napkin and a cigarette.

Glasses: "Come on the skipper wants to have a word on deck"

Y/n was told to sit down as Dutch smoked away as Revy lined up a sniper rifle to a far away target. Y/n could feel his stomach knot as he sat, Dutch flipped his lighter on and lit Y/n's cigarette. He took a drag before coughing it all up within seconds, He coughed for a god minute before Dutch said anything at all.

Dutch: "So we've did some digging and to our surprise Benny found you on several adoption sites on the web. Care to elaborate"

Y/n felt the years of pain well up as he looked to the sky above before saying dryly.

Y/n: "Both my mother and father abandoned me first chance they got, I was placed in a government run for a few years before being transferred to another and then another etc etc etc"

Dutch mused as he blew a puff of smoke away.

Dutch: "an orphan who's on his way out, not many of those these days. Do you want to go back if not I think we can come to an agreement if they won't pay"

Y/n: "Like what?"

Dutch took another drag before responding. Revy kept her ears on the conversation and eyes on the boat beyond.

Dutch: "We could use a mechanic and someone who can drive and I mean drive"

Y/n smiled, he'd spend a fare amount of his time racing or out running the cops and he was a A plus student in auto class which was perfect.

Y/n: "I can drive and fix said car or boat, I'll take it I've got nothing anyway "

Revy smiled seeing the men in the boat were armed and pulled the trigger. Y/n jumped as the bullet flew towards its target. The boat swerved and veered away with a extra pep in its step. Y/n looked up to where Revy was and saw a sadistic grin which shook him to his core. Which will kill me first her or age...her, Y/n mused as Dutch said.

Dutch: "Wellcome abroad the Black lagoon the finest boat to sail the East China Sea"

End of chapter one

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