Untitled Part 8

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4 days after the accident

"How many days do I have left?"

"Ten days"

"What happens if I haven't made a decision before then..."

"Well...I'll make it for you"


"I'll reap you"


"In simple terms... I'll hunt you down and take you with me...fair game" he says while popping a gum into his mouth "you want some?" he says and I shake my head and he puts it back into his pocket"

"How old are you?"

"Again...with that question"

"Just answer" he pauses and deliberates before making a decision.

"A few centuries old"

"What?...then how are you...you"

"Very eloquent, I see..." he says while raising an eyebrow

"How do you look so...young and...attractive and.."

Oh god I did not just say that..

"I couldn't appear to you as an old man, think about it, if I showed up to you looking ancient, with black robes would you be talking to me right now or running away from me?"

"So you're saying that you're appearing to me in a form that appeals to me?"

"Correct...you find me attractive, yes?" He says with a stupid smirk on his face "think how easy it's going to be to convince you to come with me"

"Now that I know this... wouldn't your plan be ineffective?"

"No, because your mind will be all scrambled up and you'd have no choice but to follow me, make your decision, time is of the essence"

"So your true form is an old man?"

"No, I have no form"

"So...you appear in different forms to different people"


"That must suck"


"Looking in the mirror every day and not recognizing who you are" I say looking him right in the eyes, and I could have sworn I had seen surprise flash in his eyes, for once I had rendered him speechless, he stares at me for a long time before talking.

"Good thing, Grimm's have no reflection" he says before he vanishes...again.

I wonder around the hospital and back to my room, just in time to see my mum taking a seat beside my bed and crying her eyes out.

"Hey...Elly....um I want you to know that we all love and miss you, and we forgive you for everything, come back to us.."

"I'm sorry mum" I say even though I know she can't hear me, I should have listened to her- I should have known she was trying to protect me, but I didn't.

Gawd, I was so stupid.

My mum takes my hand and places kisses on the back of my palms and I instantly feel the warmth spread through my whole body. ☆

December, 2015.

We were having a celebratory dinner at my house, the winter Olympics- I had won 2 gold medals, it's one thing to qualify for the Olympics at 19, it's another thing to take home two gold medals, so yes... my parents, friends, family members were all trigger happy, plus we got the news that a very exclusive art gallery in France wanted to put up my sister's painting in their gallery, basically my sister is a young millionaire- everyone was invited, Lola, mason, my agent, coach, my teammates in college, my dad's work friends from when he used to teach at Julliard, all my family members, Katie's friends, my dad even grudgingly invited Jayden over though he didn't like him or the fact that he was my boyfriend neither did my mum actually or Katie, I don't even know what's up with that. it's a good thing my house was huge or I don't know how everyone would fit in there, I was dancing with Jayden when my mum pulled me aside to help her in the kitchen.

"So...you're enjoying yourself?"

"Oui maman" I say and she smiles at me, she loves it when we speak French.


"Yes...Jayden" I say while taking the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.

"You really think he's good for you?"

"Oui" I say before putting in the final dish in the washer and closing it up.

"Don't you think...he's...he's too old for you?"

"It's just seven years, mum"

"Seven years is big...Elly" I loved the way she pronounced Elly, just imagine how the French pronounce chérie, so it's something like Eh-lee.

"Mum...does the age really matter"

"No...but I do not like the boy"

"Why?" She shrugs and turns her back to me, to bring out the cupcakes from the oven, the sight makes my mouth water.

"I'm just concerned for you"

"I know that..." I say and go on to hug her tight "je t'aime maman"

"Oh...Elly" she says and sniffles "je t'aime aussi... chérie" I hug her even tighter.

"I know what I'm doing, trust me"

"I trust you but I'm still concerned for you but you are right, you're big now, I trust you" she says smiling at me and I wrap my arms around her again, there was no warmer feeling than the feeling of my mum wrapping her arms around me.

"Je suis fier de toi ma fille" she says and kisses my forehead and wiping the loan tear of my eye "this cupcakes aren't going to decorate themselves ...time for work!" She says hitting me playfully on my arm and we start decorating the cakes together.

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