Untitled Part 5

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I woke up.

And I was lying on a chair in the hospital waiting room dressed in hospital robes. I looked around-extremely disoriented.

When did I change my clothes?

And most importantly...why am I not dead?

I look and walk all the way to the nurse's station, hoping I can ask her what happened.

"ma'am, I'm Elizabeth White- I was in an accident-" I stop when I notice she's completely ignoring me- I turn around but I can't seem to get anyone's attention. I wander around a little and after a while I see my mum running into the hospital, my sister Katie right behind her -with tears in her eyes. I rush towards her in relief- finally I could get away from this place. I was rushing towards her when the strangest thing happened-I felt a tingling sensation and my mum passed through me.

"Mum!" I yell with tears in my eyes-following her but I couldn't touch her and she couldn't hear me. I hear her asking about directions to my room- I try to tell her that I'm standing right by her side but she can't see me neither can Katie- I follow them into the elevator and into the room. They enter the room and I follow right behind them and what I see shocks me.

I was lying on the bed.

But it can't be...

How can I be on the bed when I'm standing right here?

My dad rushes in too and puts his hand on my mum's shoulder as a way to console her- seeing my dad there was enough for me to break down in tears, I haven't seen him in months and all I wanted to do was to tell him how sorry I was but for some reason he couldn't see me. I see a pair of eyes staring at me through the window and I have this feeling he's looking right at me-he has brown hair and brown eyes and he's dressed in all black. I try to grip the door handle but I can't- my hand just passes through it- I take a deep breath and try to pass through the door and again, I feel the tingling sensation and I'm right outside- just in time to see the strange boy turn a corner.

"Hey!!" I yell while rushing after him but the boy doesn't pause or even acknowledge my voice "hey!!" I say before he finally turns towards me with a smirk on his very handsome face.

"What?" he asks with the smirk still on his face. "What do you want?"

At first, I'm startled because I was already used to getting ignored- but I finally find my voice.

"Who are you and why can you see me?" I ask the annoying attractive boy in all black. "and why can't everyone see me?...how can I be standing here and lying down in that room at the same time?"

"Well...I'm Michael Grimm-one question at a time" he says with that annoying smirk on his lips "I am you reaper"

"My reaper?"

"Yes...your reaper, I'm pretty sure I was clear the first time, anyway...I'm here to ensure you safe passage to your resting place that is if you do decide to come with me."

"Come with you, where?"

"I can't tell you that but...basically this is it- normally when you die, a reaper comes and reaps you but in your case you have a choice-to stay or to come with me" he looks straight at me and smirks again "so, Miss. White- what will it be?"

What will it be.

Wednesday, may 21st 2004.

It was my 8th birthday, I was lying on the grass in the sun-enjoying the cool spring breeze- my mum is sitting close beside me with her painting supplies-looking elegant as always even in her paint splattered clothes. I looked up and I see my dad walking towards us and naturally I run towards him.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he says "happy birthday kid"

"Thanks, daddy" I say and raise my hand up so he would carry me and he obliged "Aren't you a little too big to be carried gummy bear? "he says and I giggle in response while he kisses my mum.

"No cake?"

"No cake" I say he turns to my mum and raises an eyebrow.

"We were waiting for you to come back from your trip" she said smiling at him sweetly "Elly said she wants to wait for you to get back before we celebrate" she says while kissing me on the cheek and taking me from my dad's hands.

"Is that true, Elly?"

"Yes...daddy, did you get me presents, you better have" I say while my mum puts me on the floor, my dad chuckles and ruffles my hair smiling widely.

"Where's Katie?"


'Did you get me a present?"

"of course I got you a present... race you to the house" he says and I immediately sprint towards the house.

I got my first cello.

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