A little update on my progress

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Hello everyone.
This chapter, as you can tell, is gonna be updating everyone on the progress I have made, since I've been gone for a while.

Like I've said in my previous chapter, I've had some family issues to deal with so I didn't really listen to my playlist but back in April and also March, I nearly shifted. On the April full moon I did actually shift but I passed out beforehand so I don't really remember anything. I was out on my terrace and was looking at the full moon, when my body stared aching and burning. I got down on all fours and tried shifting (I was on the stone floor my terrace has) and then everything went black and I woke up underneath a tree.
Now I'm aware this wouldn't necessarily mean I shifted but I first of all wouldn't fall asleep outside, considering I'm terrified of insects and my anxiety says no lol. I also woke up naked so there's that and I also found wolf tracks in my yard the next morning and they were way to large to be our dogs prints. Our yard is also fenced off so it couldn't be from anything other than a wolf aka me.
So that was my shifting experience.

What else is new...
Oh right! I'm getting a puppy in 3 days to be exact. His name is Sam and he's a Cane Corso Italiano. We're picking him up on the 6th of June so I probably won't be as active during those few weeks because of training etc. but I'll try and update every now and again.

I also just got done with my body vision board and I started listening to my non-mythical playlist and I'm already seeing results again!

Now to get to manifesting. I can only recommend it. It's super simple and can help you so so much! Seriously. Try. It. Out.

This chapter was kinda random and messy but whatever.
Hope you enjoyed!

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