"It wab good, how wab twaining mama, can i weet Joe yet?"

"It was good baby, and yeah if you had looked around you would've seen him, he's only behind me" suddenly the little girl went quite shy, but it was nothing new she always was when meeting new people. She buried her face into Dianne's shoulder more making it so no one could see her face.

"Sorry she gets shy with new people" Dianne whispered to Joe

"It's fine Di, she can meet me when she's ready" he whispered back.

"Lills baby, are you not gonna say hi to Joe"

"What if he runs? Wike everyone else has, dey dibn't wike me so dey ran" she said into Dianne's shoulder, Lillie didn't know much about her dad, to be fair she didn't know who he was, all she knew was she was different to all the other kids and didn't have a dad but she did know about Dianne's past boyfriend's who had done ran from Dianne when they found out about Lillie, one day meeting them the next they'd be gone.

"Joe's fine sweetie, plus he can hardly run when we have training to do each week, it's not like we're dating" Dianne laughed quietly into her daughter's ear. Lillie lifted her head to look at Joe and then put it back on Dianne's shoulder and whispered

"He's cute vo mummy, maybe you should change vat"

"Lillie Alice" Dianne scolded, she didn't expect her daughter to be so blunt as that even though she did agree with her, he was cute with his floppy hair and his blue eyes. No Dianne why are you thinking this just introduce her to Joe already
Dianne's inner voice said

"Baby are you gonna get down and say hi then" she nodded on her shoulder and Dianne put her down, she surprisingly went running to Joe and wrapped her arms around his legs as he bent down to properly hug her.

"Hey Lillie, I'm Joe"

"Hi joey, oh wait van I vall you joey?"

"You can call me whatever you want, I don't mind"

Dianne stood in awe of the interaction her dance partner and her daughter were having.

"Baby we're gonna go back to Joe's because mummy and joey want to film something, but I'll bring your iPad for you"

"Otay, is it wike a sweepover?"

"Sort of apart from we won't be staying"

"Oh so a pwaydate but for old people" Joe and Dianne both laughed at her calling them old people "You know we're not that old Lillie" Joe said from behind her

"But you tan dwive cars and be home awone, dat seems old to me" they both laughed again "why are you waughing at me"

"Because your adorable baby that's why" Dianne said going to go get her iPad

"I know I am" She said with a grin on her face, Joe loved this sass she had she was adorable and a total spitting image of Dianne just with a different hair colour.

Once Joe and Dianne had finished filming it was about 10:30 which was later than they thought they would finish "Joe we should get going little missy has school tomorrow"

"Wait" he grabbed Dianne's hand as she about to get up off the stool "Maybe you don't have to leave it's late, you could just nip to yours and get Lillie's things like her uniform and pjs and toiletry things then come back here, and my house is closer to her school, I'm guessing she goes to the local one right?" Joe wanting them to stay, realising only a few days ago he had somehow developed feelings for the red headed aussie in front of him and now her adorable daughter he'd fallen in love with too. Joe why are you thinking like this. It's week 3 for God's sake. You've known her like a month how can you possibly have caught feelings for her this quickly, it never happens. His inner voice cursed him but he ignored it focusing on getting the beautiful aussie and her daughter to stay.

"Are you sure you don't mind staying with her whilst I nip back home, I might just get me some stuff too"

"It's fine Di, and if you wanna he quick to save you looking for your things you could have some joggers and a hoodie to sleep in" he offered to her

"Okay, thanks Joe, we'll have to go tell Lills that we are having a sleepover not just a playdate" Dianne laughed as she got up from the stool again

"Hey missy" she said walking into the room where Lillie was, sat on the bed watching Peppa pig.

"Hey mama, are we going now?" She asked putting her iPad down shutting off Peppa pig's annoying voice

"Well no actually, because it's late and actually way past your bedtime, we're gonna stay here for tonight, I'll have to nip home and get a few things but you alright staying with Joe?"

"So it is a sweepover after all, and yep I can stay with joey" she said bouncing off the bed and running through into the living seeing Joe sat on the sofa scrolling on his phone.

"Joey!" Lillie said excitedly running up to him and jumping on the sofa next to him

"Hey Lillie, you okay with staying with me whilst dia-mummy goes and gets your things"

"Yeppy, bye mummy see ya soon" she said waving to her mum who was just leaving the house. As soon as she had gone Lillie put her head on Joe's chest and felt an arm wrap around her, it made her feel safe like how mummys hugs did. "Joey"


"Tan I meet other people wike in swicly"

"Maybe you could come to camera block through on Friday but check with your mum first"

"Otay" she snuggled back into Joe and slowly when Joe had started stroking her hair she fell asleep.

Wow this is another long chapter sorry bout that kinda didn't know where to end it😂. Also i decided to post on a Thursday because why not, i was writing and wanted to put something out for some reason, might update tomorrow but depends because it's my sister's birthday. Anyway hope you enjoyed, Bella xx

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