Feelings Unfold

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This is chapter will be from Legoshi's side. The next will be from Mari's.

Legoshi was at the festival grounds helping prepare everything with the drama club, a million thoughts running through his head. The last two days had been...eventful to say the least. It had all started after he met Louis on the rooftop garden. He had originally looking for Mari, despite Gouhin telling him to stay away from her. He couldn't help it though. He had kept distance from her all day, even catching the looks of confusion and disheartening on her face. 

His restraint broke momentarily when he made his way to find her at the garden club. At first he thought that he had been correct in the possibility of her being there when he could smell the faint scent of cherry blossoms that usually surrounded her. He had been very confused when he only found Louis there instead.

What he found very odd was how Louis acted when Legoshi brought up the fact that he and Mari were friends. The deer seemed to become irritated at the knowledge. He was surprised to learn that Louis was friends with the girl as well. He found it odd since Mari had never mentioned being close with the deer nor did he ever see them hang out together. Louis had seemed adamant about Legoshi staying away from her, especially when he pushed the wolf to get better aquatinted with Juno, the new gray wolf in the club. 

Then there was his encounter with Juno in the club room. He had to admit that made gray wolves look beautiful, but he wasn't sure about having too close of a relationship with her.

Then, there was the incident with Jack. 

The golden retriever sat in his dorm room, his brain going a million miles a minute. He stared at the photo in his hands for a while, a dozen scenarios going through his head as to why it was even in their room at all. He was even more confused as to why he found it among Legoshi's things.

'Why would he have this? Did Mari give it to him? More importantly, why did he hide it?" Jack's eyes widened as he came to a disturbing thought. 'Is he...getting off to this?!' Jack didn't want to believe it. He froze when he heard the door open, hiding the picture behind his back.

"L-Legoshi! You're back!"  Jack said as he watched his friend take off his shoes.

"Yea. I ran into a hedgehog on the way back. His spines really hurt." As Legoshi went about his business, Jack tired to think of a way to carefully approach the topic of the picture, hoping that his suspicions weren't true. He watched as Legoshi got in his bunk and closed the curtain before deciding to speak.

"L-Legoshi...We've known each other for...a long time, right?" The wolf found the question odd.

"Huh? Yeah." He said as he fed his pet beetle. "What's up with you?"

"I promise that I will never doubt you, or think that you're gross or anything like that, no matter what!" Jack said as he stuck his nose through the curtain. "Nobody can help who they love. Whether it's bugs, or humans,-" Jack didn't ge to finish his sentence when Legoshi's foot connected with his stomach and sent him flying. He looked up to see Legoshi's mouth wide open like he was gonna bite him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just close your mouth, please!" After the two had calmed down, Legoshi sat on his bed while Jack sat on the floor next to him holding the picture. "I...I was just looking for that manga I let you borrow. I looked around and...found this." He gave Legoshi the picture back. "I wont tell anyone. Never. I promise." 

"She didn't give it to me. A friend of her dad's did." Legoshi sighed as he looked at the picture. "The truth is, ever since I met her, I've been confused. I don't know what a wolf like me really thinks about a human. I've thought about it from every possible angle."

"Eh? Does that mean you like her?" Legoshi didn't know for sure. 

'Would anyone really say that this is just a simple case of love?' I should just end it.'

"Sorry, I..."

"No, I'm alright." He gave a Jack a forced smile. "I don't like her. I was mistaken." But Jack wasn't quite convinced. Despite having had a small crush on the human girl himself, he decided to support his friend if he truly felt that way for her.

Currently, Legoshi was filling a bucket of water since Kai told him that they needed more. As he got up to leave, he felt a light poke in his back. He turned to look, only to see no one. He felt another poke and heard a light giggle. He turned again and met with the same blue eyes he had been thinking about recently. 

The girl giggled again when she saw that she had been caught. "Hey there, wolfy!" She said as she gave him a bright smile. Legoshi felt his heart rate increase as the sight of her. 

'C-Calm down. She's just a friend.'

"I didn't think I would be able to catch you with everything going on. I'm glad I finally did!"

"Oh...I see. The garden club also attends the Meteor Festival, huh? I saw the booth."

"Right." She nodded. "I've been running all over the place with both the drama club and the garden club. Which reminds me," She smiled again. "If it's alright with you, would mind helping us? We could even hang out after too!" The wolf hesitated, despite really wanting to take her offer.

"Ah...I don't know about that. We've been pretty busy with the sculptures and everything. I might not have the time." He felt his heart drop when he saw her crestfallen expression. But it disappeared as quick as it came, her bright smile replacing it.

"Oh, well...that makes sense. Well, good luck. I'll see ya later." She said and waved to him as she walked back to the booth.

"Yeah..." He sighed as he watched her go. 'This is how it should be...isn't it?'

As he got back to painting the dinosaur sculpture with Kai, he could hear the mongoose complaining about Louis monitoring them as they worked. At the mention of the deer, he saw him walking through the festival grounds...and walking straight towards Mari at the garden booth. He watched in shock as the two interacted in quite a familiar way, in fact they almost looked like they were arguing.

'Are you close with her, Louis?' Legoshi wondered. He could see that she was visibly upset, trying to not get to close to Louis. 'What did she say?' His grip on some paint tubes in his hand become stronger at the sight. He felt his tail bristle when he saw Mari's face turn red before she ran off. 'Just friends, huh? I was sure of it at the time. That familiar smell.' He squeezed the paint too hard, causing them to explode. He stared as his colorful hand. 'She takes my breath away, and drives me crazy, and I feel nothing but pain. Mari...Mari! Please don't make that face for him again! After all, understand perfectly now.' He wiped the paint on his face, revealing one side of his fangs. "I'm in love with you."

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