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"W-Well, we met a few weeks ago when she came to Cherryton. Unfortunately, I didn't make a great first impression." He decided to leave out the part about almost devouring her that one night. "I thought she would hate me, but she was pretty understanding. She treats me like a friend and not some dangerous predator. But, as of late, I feel myself wanting to be around her more and the thought of anyone else being close makes me upset." Gouhin hummed in understanding. "It's like I can't bear the thought of someone taking her from me, and to be honest, the anger I feel is kinda terrifying." 

It didn't take a genius to figure out what the problem was, and it made Gouhin all the more concerned. The old panda sighed. He decided to test the wolf.

"Look, from what I can tell kid, you have one of two problems. One, you see this girl as your prey that you want to claim. Or two, you're in love with her." Legoshi felt his heart rate increase at the second option. 

'Jack said the exact same thing.' Gouhin took his silence as confirmation that he was more than likely right about the second option.

'It's still a dangerous situation no matter what. I hate to do this, since she seems to care about him a lot, but I can't risk anything.'

"Look kid, since this is a unique situation, I cant use my usual methods. It doesn't have to be right away, but I do suggest putting some distance between yourself and Mari. At least until you figure out what that feeling of yours is."

"But, how will I do that if I cant be around her?" Gouhin thought for a moment, then he remembered something.

'I hope to the gods that Reo doesn't find out about this.' He got up and looked through a drawer in his desk and pulled out a photo. 'Please don't let this kid screw up.' "Here, this should be of some help, hopefully." He handed Legoshi the picture. The wolf was very confused until he looked at the photo, his heart nearly stopped.

He wanted to think it was just a random picture of another human, but that was impossible and  there was no mistaking those eyes. His heart was beating so fast that he thought it would explode.

Gouhin laughed at his expression. "I think she was about 4 in that picture. It almost feels like yesterday that her father sent me that. She's become a fine young woman." But Legoshi wasn't listening. He could only hear his heart beating in his ears, his face becoming warmer.

 He could only hear his heart beating in his ears, his face becoming warmer

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'S-So cute!'

"Hey, you listening?" Gouhin snapped him out of his trance.

"H-Huh? Y-Yes!" Gouhin sighed but continued.

"Typically I use porn magazines for cases like this, but since humans are so few and far between, this will have to do. But," He stood and got close to the wolfs face. "Do not let her find out I gave you that, understood?" Legoshi nodded furiously and shoved the photo in his pocket, careful not to ruin it. They both sat down as they heard footsteps approaching. Mari came through the door a second later.

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