Big City Life

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It happened again. Another herbivore death. This time it was a gazelle.

Mari was in one of the common rooms with Jack, Legoshi, and Durham. They were playing checkers when they saw the broadcast. 

"Man, this sure is a dangerous world we live in." Jack remarked. The two herbivores suddenly got up.

"Uh, you guys win. We gotta go."

"But you guys were about to win." Jack said. But they already left. Jack looked kinda hurt. Legoshi pat his head to try and comfort him.

"Don't think too much of it, Jack." Mari said. "I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it."

That night, Mari's father had called her frantic. He was insistent on sending her some bodyguards. It took her a while to calm him down and convince him that she would be fine. 

"Alright, love you too dad. Bye." She hung up and groaned. She had been at Cherryton for almost 2 months now and her father still treated her as if she was helpless. She loved him to bits but she was kinda tired of being treated like a child. 

Before going to bed, she got a message from Louis about a meeting tomorrow for the meteor festival. 

The next day, Sanu announced that they would be going into the city to attend a meeting to discuss the details of the festival.

All of the second years were seated on the floor, Mari sat between Legoshi and an eagle named Aoba. Louis was leaning against the wall nearby. 

"Unfortunately, because of recent events, only the carnivores are allowed to go. All herbivores have been restricted to campus for the time being."

Ellen and another herbivore girl whined that it wasn't fair. 

"Keep in mind that a carnivore is dangerous when they lose control." Louis cut in. Mari could see Legoshi and Bill tense as Louis' words were directed at them. 'That wasn't necessary.' She thought.

"But what about Mari?" Ellen asked. "Does she get to go?"

Sanu was a bit unsure. "Well, since she is technically registered as an omnivore, the choice is up to her."

Mari just shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, I'll go. Sounds nice to get off campus for a while." Legoshi was thrilled to get to hang out with her outside of school, Louis on the other hand, was not as thrilled.  

"One more thing," Louis said. "Stay away from the Black Market." When the meeting was over, Louis pulled Mari into his office. Once he closed the door, he turned to her. "I don't want you going with them." Mari was taken back.

"What? Why?"

"I don't like the thought of you being alone with four male carnivores, especially when one of them was drinking the blood of your species." Mari knew he had a point. Ever since that incident, she avoided Bill as often as she could. That aside, she still wanted to go out and have some fun in the city while she had the chance. 

"While I appreciate your concern for my safety, I'm a big girl. I know how to take care of myself."  She was hoping Louis would just relax and trust her, but she was shocked when she found herself backed against the wall, his hands pinning her shoulders. 

"That's not the point!" Mari did not expect this from him. Where was this coming from? And why was her heart pounding in her chest again? Louis sighed, his eyes cast down. "It's just...I've lost you once. I don't wanna lose you for good. If something happened to you, especially if a carnivore did it, I could never live with myself." Mari was surprised, but also incredibly touched by his genuine concern. 

'This is the Louis I remember.' The deer had been the same way when they were young. He would promise to protect her from any carnivore that would try to hurt her. She moved his hands from her shoulders and lifted his face to look at her. 

"Like I said, I can take care of myself. It's sweet that you worry for me, but it's just for the day. If something happens, you'll be the first person I call, alright?" Louis knew it was pointless to argue with her, she was too stubborn. He sighed and backed up a bit. 

"Fine, but promise to text me frequently so I know that you're okay." Mari rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yes mom." 

"Real cute." Louis chuckled and flicked her forehead. 

That night, Mari could hardly contain her excitement. Even though she had only been attending Cherryton for a few months, it was rare that she traveled off campus. The next morning she got up early to get ready.

She grabbed her bag and ran to the front gates to meet the guys

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She grabbed her bag and ran to the front gates to meet the guys. When she got there, she saw Legoshi, Bill, Aoba, and Tao. She wasn't too thrilled to see Bill, but at least Legoshi would be there. 

"Hey, guys!" She said as walked up to them.

"Woah! I think I could learn to like this new look." Bill whistled as he scanned her figure. Mari rolled her eyes and looked up at Legoshi, who was actually glaring at Bill. It was so weird to see everyone in normal clothes.

"Well, everyone ready to go?" They all nod and head for the train station. The train ride was...interesting to say the least. The train was packed and somehow, Mari found herself sandwiched between Aoba and Legoshi. The eagle wasn't really bothered, but Mari and Legoshi were both red in the face. Mari's face was almost buried in the wolf's chest, he was worried she would hear his heart pounding in his chest. They soon arrived at their stop, and when they reached street level, it was like stepping into a brand new world.

For the guys, it had been at least a year since they had left the academy. 

"Man, I wish I could fly." Aoba said as he watched an adult Hawk land nearby.

"I think you have to graduate before you can get your flying license." Tao said

Legoshi was facinated. He saw how everyone was coexisting together peacefully. He was brought out of his trance by Mari's giggles. 

"You must be happy to be here, Legoshi. Your tail is wagging." She pointed to it. The wolf found himself blushing again. He didn't even realize his tail was moving.

Mari smiled as she looked around. She loved the city, there was so much to see and do.

'It's great to be back.'

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