Secrets revealed

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As Mari walked through the door to the garden club, she was greeted by the sweet scent of the flowers. She smiled as she could hear their tiny voices greeting her. 

The girl was confused that she didn't see Haru anywhere among the plants. 

"That's strange. She told me she would be here." Mari could feel the heat of the sun beating on her head. "Maybe she's in the shed, that's where I would wanna be when its hot like today." As she neared the small structure, she could hear voices. Some from the flowers telling her not to go in and some from inside the shed. "Is some one else here?." From what she could hear, they were just talking.

"I really don't have time to wait, I need to get to Drama club before I get a lecture from Louis." She neared the shed, ready to open the door, when she quickly recognized the other voice.

"I mean it. I still want to remain friends, but these little rendezvous cant happen anymore." Before she could even stop the words from escaping her lips, she said an all too familiar name.


At that, the voices froze. Even with the curtains shut, they were thin enough to just barely see through. Mari could see Louis and Haru's outlines sitting on the bed in the room, and it was pretty clear that Louis didn't have a shirt. Mari didn't have to even think twice about what just went on in that shed, it was obvious.

The girl could feel her heart ache. Yes, finding out that two of her good friends were sleeping with each other hurt, but she remembered that she had no right to get angry since she and Louis weren't together nor could she control what he did. She decided it was best that she just leave and avoid causing a scene. She didn't waste a second as she ran for the door, her breathing becoming heavier as she got closer.

But, before she could open it, the knob turned on it's own.

'Crap!' She hid behind a large group of potted plants nearby and curled into a ball until she was sure that she couldn't be seen. She listened as footsteps walked past her, further into the garden. Once she heard them get far enough, she quickly slipped through the door and ran out, her head filled with a storm of emotions.

Back in Garden Club 

Both the deer and the rabbit stared at the door. The deer in shock and guilt and the rabbit in confusion, but only for a second. 

Now it all made sense to her, and the timing was accurate as well. The way Louis stared at the empty space outside the door where the human once stood told Haru everything.

"It's her, isn't it?" She asked. Louis just kept his eyes on the door before looking down. He felt horrible, that Mari found out about him and Haru, as well as Haru finding out why he was changing their relationship so suddenly. He sighed and finally looked at her.

"Yes, it is. It's been her since we were children." This was the first Haru was hearing of this. Mari had never mentioned that she knew Louis for that long, or at all, and vice versa. Despite being hurt by this new revelation, she couldn't find it in herself to be mad at either of them. Haru handed Louis his shirt, a sad yet understanding smile on her face.

"Go after her." Louis was surprised. He was half expecting her to be furious.

"But, I,"

"I mean it, Louis. Besides," She let out a dry chuckle. "We had a agreed to not get attached in the beginning, I'm hurting myself by trying to force my feelings on you." Louis smiled at her understanding, petting her head.

"Thank you, Haru." He out his shirt and stood in front of the door. "I'm off to my club. I'll see you at the festival. And be careful getting back to your dorm."

"Yeah, yeah." Haru smirked as she shooed him out. Louis gave her a small smile before pulling the curtain open, only to reveal Legoshi standing on the other side.

'What is he doing here?' Louis became irritated at the sight of the wolf. He opened the door and stepped out, trying his best to block Haru from view. 

"L-Louis?! What are you doing here?" Legoshi asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." The deer turned the question back at him. "Besides, it's my duty as a third year to make sure all clubs are attending the festival." 

"I just came to talk to a friend."

"Haru's not here at the moment." Louis said as he leaned against the frame.

"A-Actually, I came to talk to Mari."

"Mari?" Louis could feel his jealousy bubble as the wolf mentioned the girl. "Are you two acquainted?" He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible.

"Well, yeah. We are."  As Haru listened to their conversation, she came to surprising realization. 

'So, the wolf likes her too, huh?' She quietly giggled to herself.

"Goodness. What is it with you and herbivores?" Louis says. "What business do you have with her? Is it club-related? I can take care of it for you." 'And keep you as far from her as possible.'

"N-No, it's fine. I just personal. I kinda just wanted to see her, that's all." This made Louis even more irritated. "I'll just meet her another time. Were you about to leave?"

"Sure." Louis said.

"Then let's head back together."  As the two left, Mari currently sat in a hidden corner of the library. Her mind replaying the events from earlier.

'I don't understand. All those moments, all the times he showed concern for me, did they mean something or were they nothing?' Mari wanted so badly to be angry with Louis, but felt that she couldn't bring herself to. They weren't a couple and he never even confessed to her, but that didn't stop pain in her heart. She sighed. "Get over yourself, girl. He's a grown deer, he can do what he wants."But then there was Legoshi. She had yet to see the wolf today. He had been acting strange since they left the Black Market and it was beginning to annoy her. She got up from her seat and headed for her dorm. Deciding to put this drama behind her for now, she decided to focus on the task at hand, preparing for the festival.

"Hopefully, this can get my mind off of things for a while."

So I decided to go with the English voice of Yuri Nakamura from Angel Beats. I just felt like her voice suited Mari best. Hope you guys like it!!!

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