Ocean Eyes

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(Drawing is not mine)

Summer was getting closer, and all over campus, students were discussing summer plans. There was also the buzz about the meteor festival. Its a celebration of the dinosaurs that are said to be the ancestors of all animals. Well, almost all animals. Mari thought about not going since she was human and, therefore, not an ancestor of dinosaurs. That was before Haru told her that the garden club would have a booth.

Legoshi and some guys from the art department had gone to get some of the sculptures for the festival, so Mari was alone for the afternoon. She had gone to the library to do some homework and even found a few books that looked interesting. It was late afternoon as she walked back through the halls. 

She was reading a book on the legend of the dinosaurs, and it was pretty interesting. She was so absorbed in her book, that she didn't notice that someone blocked her path.

"Hey, you!" Mari didn't think they were talking to her until her book was snatched out of her hand.  She looked and saw a black and white bunny, Mizuchi, standing in front of her with two of her friends. 

"Can I help you?" Mari asked, kinda annoyed that they were bothering her.

"Actually, I think I can help you." Mizuchi said smugly.

"Oh really?" Mari crossed her arms. 

"Yeah, little advice, you should stay away from that slutty dwarf rabbit Haru. She's the reason my boyfriend broke up with me. She ruins everything." Mari rolled her eyes.

"If you honestly think I'm gonna take advice from you, especially after you dumped water on me, you're even dumber than I thought." Mizuchi and her friends gasped as Mari took her book back. "And I don't blame your boyfriend for dumping you, you reek of desperation and bitchiness." This didn't sit well with the two-toned bunny.

"You think you're something special just because you're a human. Well, news flash, you're not. You're just a freak!" Mizuchi smirked, hoping to see Mari run off in tears. Mari just smirked. The bunny was trying to be intimidating, but the height difference between her and Mari made the situation all too amusing.

"A freak, huh?" Mari snapped her book shut loudly and glared at the three. They shivered at her stare.

 "Let's get something straight

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 "Let's get something straight. First, you will leave Haru alone. Second, if you think for even a second that I'll believe anything you say, wether it's about me or Haru, then you got another thing coming. Unlike you, I'm not desperate to please anyone. I'm completely free!" Her voice had a menacing tone.

The three herbivores looked pale as ghosts and took off running down the hall. Mari flipped her hair over her shoulder, quite proud of herself.

"Hmph, serves them right." When she looked at the ground, she noticed the large shadow behind her.

"Oh, Legoshi, hey!" She smiled nervously. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough. Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?" Mari smiled at his concern.

"No, they tried to. But, jokes on them, harsh words like that don't bother me." Legoshi couldn't help but admire her, if it wasn't for his size then he would probably never be able to stand up to bullies like that.

"Well, that good." Mari nodded.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Wanna grab some dinner?" Legoshi nodded and they headed for the cafeteria. As they ate, the two made small talk. Mari could tell that Legoshi was starting to open up a bit more than when she had first met him. It was a nice change for him, he even smiled more when she saw him.

After they ate and left, it was already dark out. The walk back to the dorms was peaceful. Neither said a word, they didn't need to. They were both at point in this friendship that they didn't need to always be talking to enjoy the others company. Mari was currently thinking about her summer plans. 

'I definitely wanna hang out with everyone and I'm sure dad wants to meet them. Well, maybe not Louis. I haven't even told dad I'm talking to him again." She stopped when she saw her shoe lace was untied. She bent down to tie it, but two large hands beat her to it. "Oh, thank you, Legoshi." He nodded and looked up at her when he was done. 

The two held eye contact, neither was able to look away. 

Even though he had seen her eyes before, something about Mari's eyes seemed different now. Legoshi felt as if he was looking at the ocean. The calm waters bathed in moonlight.

Mari was mesmerized as well. She never really got a good look at the wolf's eyes since his pupils were so small. But up close like this, she could see the grays and blue mixed together, with just a bit of purple. It suited him perfectly.

"Your eyes are beautiful." Mari blushed when he said that. She looked down and fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

"Th-Thanks. Your eyes are handsome as well." Now both were a blushing mess. Legoshi felt his tail wag, brushing in the dirt, but he didn't really care. The atmosphere went from peaceful to kinda awkward. "L-Let's head back, it's late."

"Y-Yeah." Legoshi stayed with her until she was back inside her dorm. She waved goodbye to him  and quickly walked to her room. Even thought she was now alone, her heart wouldn't stop pounding in her chest. This feeling, she was unsure of what it was. She never felt this before. Now that she thought about it, she sometimes had this same feeling when she was with Louis. Her heart would pound and her face would feel hot.

"I'll keep this to myself for now. I wanna be certain before I assume anything." She walked to her window to check on her flowers. Haru had given her some as way of thanking her for everything she had done for her and the garden club. Mari's favorites were the Asters, after Cherry Blossoms of course. Unfortunately, she couldn't plant a Sakura tree in her room. The Asters she had were a rich purple and a vibrant red. The purple reminded her of Legoshi's eyes and the red reminded her of Louis. She smiled as she watered the plants. 'Just what are those two doing to me?'

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