Chapter 2

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He would never admit it to his friend but the only one he knew who deserved such a pure love was Naruto. As much of a hard life he had lived, Naruto had also gone through the same...the difference was in his optimism and the choices he made. His greatest friend and greatest rival. Maybe it was also because of that, that he also felt so jealous. He wanted to follow that dark voice within him...steal her away...



He had come back for redemption and here he was thinking of stealing what he also knew Naruto desired the most and was also too ignorant to see. It made him think of Sakura and how much she claimed to love him...he didn't love her in the same way but he was willing to try, to be there for her, to marry her for all the sacrifices she made for him.

He'd decided to run away again. Told the others he was going because he wanted to see the world in a new perspective. It wasn't a complete lie as he had been planning to leave, but not so soon and not for so long. At that time he had also set an ultimatum for himself. If Naruto didn't realize or rejected Hinata in realization, if Sasuke's own love for Hinata did not die over this journey, he would pursue her. A part of him understood that Hinata and Sakura's love would not die, so he left it up to Naruto and himself. In the case that things worked out between Naruto and Hinata, even if he still loved her...he would take this love to the grave. He would give them time and hope that things would go well, hope he made the right decision for the first time...


In his long journey his love had not died. If anything it may have grown. Looking at the sights before him in a with a new perspective Sasuke found himself thinking, imagining Hinata next to him. What he thought she would be awed by he kept in mind.

On Sasuke's travel back to Konoha, he had found an unconscious and beaten Hiashi Hyuuga before him. He could not help but think it was a sign. Here he was going back to Konoha still in love with Hinata and an opportunity, a chance to connect himself with Hinata had fallen at his feet...quite literally.

He quickly trekked back to Konoha, saved the nation from what was apparently a piece of the moon, and patiently waited for Hinata to come; to fall into his arms in tears of gratefulness...or so he thought...

Sasuke had wanted Hinata to approach him first as he felt that to be more appropriate, but in his anticipation in wanting to meet her after so long drove him to take off to where the team would most likely be spotted in coming back from their journey to the moon. Sensing their chakra he looked up to see a sight he had hoped to never see...

Naruto and Hinata sharing a kiss in the light of the moon.

The embarrassment, the betrayal, the made him numb...He stayed rooted to that same spot for what seemed like centuries...

The one to break that silence was the one person he really did not want to his current state, Sasuke knew he would lose control

"Oooyyy~~~ Sasuke~~~~!"

He turned to look and he saw...a truly happy Naruto. Of course he had seen the idiot smiling all the time but this...this happiness that was radiating off of his friend, it was nothing he'd ever seen before. What Naruto had been looking for his whole life...he had found it. It was of course not because he had come back from his long was because of her.

If it had been me she was with...would I also have made such a face?

"Oy teme! I heard you came back! Why the hell are you here though?!"


"Silent treatment already? Heh, well if you didn't do that it wouldn't be you would it. Welcome back man~~!"

First love, last loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ