Chapter IX ~ ᚺ ( Hagalaz ) Part I - Through Trial & Tears...

Start from the beginning

I suppressed an agitated snarl.
“ How did you know I was here? “

The laughter slowly trailed off, the two-faced mirthfulness still ringing in David's every word while he spoke.

“Oh, I didn't know ~ “

I heard the subtle sound of leather grind against leather before David raised one arm up into the air, in between his index & middle finger a small silver pendant that immediately caught my attention & made the heart in my chest skip a few beats.
It was the swan I had found near the entrance of the cave several days ago, its outlines glowing majestically in the beam of light from the lighthouse.

        “ You were kind enough to drop this & set up a trail for us to follow. Very considerate of you, Dwayne, even though I must admit that it took away most of the fun. “

He tossed me the pendant with a smile of derision, heaving a loud sigh amidst the echoes of Paul's & Marko's slowly fading laughter.

     “ …A scent to numb the senses, isn't it? I can't help but wonder how you managed to spent the past few hours in her presence without completely losing your mind ~ “

I caught the pendant with a swift motion of my hand, my fingers immediately clenching around the petite jewelry as disappointment & frustration began to consume me from within. My body ached with what I assumed was self-contempt, something I hadn't felt in quite a long time yet I remembered its loathsome grip around my throat, so very eager to make me choke on my guilt.

When & where did I lose it, & how could I not notice that it was gone? I just couldn't fathom it. It was driving me insane.

From the left I heard a slightly higher registered chuckle & peered up from my clenched fist into Paul's face only to be greeted with a resentful smirk, behind it a quick tongue that loved the taste of mockery more than anything. 

“ I'm disappointed in you, bud ~ very disappointed... Thought we were brothers. What happened to 'all for one, one for all' & sharin' is carin' ? To me it looks like you just want that chick all for yourself... “

A violent tremor went through my body & I had to take an extra long breath to not go take a strike at my own family, well aware that - in the worst case - it could all end in bloodshed. Paul's all-time carefree behavior on the other hand didn't really help the cause… 

“ Her name is Lily... & she is not something to be passed around & shared, Paul. “

“ Oh, right ... The little flower herself already made that painfully clear! “
He gritted his teeth without even remotely losing his amused expression, rubbing his throat with an open palm. 

" Feisty & brave, with quite the persuasive attitude… Just the way I like 'em pretty girls ~ " 

From the opposite direction I heard Marko hold in a laugh, his semi-transformed features in the process of neutralizing despite his tongue still ferociously dancing around his fangs. Marko's thirst for blood was the least controllable one; not much of a surprise given that he was also the youngest in our group. His eyes spoke volumes, constantly drifting back & forth between me & the window I so religiously guarded. The scent of her blood hung heavy in the air, hovering above our heads like an invisible cloud & continuing to expand with each passing second. They all still seemed to be in full control of themselves, however it was only a matter of time until at least one would experience a shift in their predatory consciousness. 

" Keep your obnoxious thoughts to yourself, Paul. " 

I attempted to break the tension, my remark more of an irritated hiss than anything, one that Paul shrugged off with a nonchalant whistle. 

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