A Hint to the Past

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long after Tseng's attempted interrogation that they reached the door they were looking for. Kris took a moment to look at it in awe. There was a feeling of reverence that permeated the air. She smiled softly at the fact that Zack and Genesis both shared in her sense of wonder, even though Genesis had seen it before.

Finally, he and Angeal both stepped forward and pushed one of the doors. Kris followed them into the room with Zack and Tseng following right after. Kris noticed the cavern was lit by a few cracks in the ceiling. The beams that came down seemed to focus on the branched materia that appeared to be growing up from the floor. She walked directly up the statue and looked up with curiosity. The whole setup was almost like a temple. As she looked around, she realized it may have been at one time.

She was pulled from her exploration by Tseng's voice. "This is a significant find, but I do not understand why we have come here. What is the purpose?"

Kris frowned and looked around. She had expected something to happen when they got there but wasn't sure what. It was at that point that she saw Sephiroth was still standing in the doorway. He clearly looked uncomfortable, and Kris felt a pulse of fear run through her. Despite how she felt Sephiroth was currently innocent, that didn't mean things would go smoothly. She tentatively called out to him. "Sephiroth? Are you alright?"

His head jerked up, and he frowned at her. When he caught sight of the fear in her stance, he rubbed his hand down his face and stepped into the room. "I apologize. I was simply looking for the source of the voice we heard."

Kris was shocked that it wasn't just she and Genesis that had heard Minerva, but that thought fled when the door slammed shut as soon as Sephiroth was in the room. The General spun and tried to push the door open again, but it wouldn't budge. Kris noticed that there were streamers of pale green light tracing across the floor as well. This was more like what she was expecting. She doubted she had any reason to be afraid, but she still stepped closer to Genesis and took his hand.

Genesis smiled down at her, but his gaze was drawn to where she was fixedly staring. He was shocked to see a tall woman in armor seem to step straight from the statue. He didn't need to be told that they were suddenly in the presence of a deity.

It was a matter of seconds before every other eye turned to see the woman, and all movement stopped. Kris noticed Sephiroth take a step back, but he quickly frowned and joined Angeal. She hoped whatever was going on with him would be handled before things got out of control.

Her attention was drawn back when Minerva finally spoke. "So many champions." She then looked to Kris and held out her hand. "Child."

Kris hesitated, but not for long. She tried to let go of Genesis' hand and walk forward, but he wouldn't release her. He stepped forward with her instead. If that bothered Minerva, she didn't show it. Instead, she put a gentle hand on Kris' shoulder. "I had hoped that your second chance would have been gentler."

Kris looked up with confusion. "Why? Why am I even here?"

The Goddess gave her a soft smile. "A prayer. You were so young and had already given so much. You had earned your rest, but a prayer from your father asked that you find happiness wherever you went. We decided to give you the chance to find it. It was never our intention for you to be drawn into this."

Kris had been soothed at the Goddess' touch, but at the mention of her father, all the pain and rage she had been feeling resurfaced. She knew it wasn't wise, but she stepped back and glared at Minerva. "How could that be possible when you put me outside Gongaga. Surely you knew what that would mean!"

By that point, most of the men around her had realized that there was some connection between Kris and the woman. Both Zack and Genesis stepped forward. Genesis was still awestruck, but Zack looked at Minerva with a frown. "You are the one that put Kris in the forest?"

Minerva looked to him with a nod. His frown grew. "Then why was she hurt so badly?"

Kris stiffened at the question and put her hand on Zack's arm. "Don't. Don't ask about that. All you need to know is that she saved me."

He gave her a confused look but backed down. Genesis finally found his voice at that point. "You are the one that called to us?"

Minerva nodded once again. "Your path was one of pain and betrayal, but a pebble has been dropped, and ripples are spreading. Things are changing. If you have the strength and courage, disaster and despair may be averted."

Genesis frowned at her reply, but Sephiroth stepped forward. "Who are you?"

Kris had no idea what to expect from Minerva, where Sephiroth was concerned, but she should have anticipated the look of pity from the Goddess. Sephiroth did not seem pleased to see it. His voice became harder. "Why did you call us here? What is your goal?"

All the Soldiers were giving him worried looks. He sounded nothing like his normally calm self. He either didn't see them, or he ignored them, and his glare became heated at her next words.

"Child of the Calamity. That burden never should have been yours to bear. It is heavy and terrible, but it can be negated if you dare to face the unknown."

To everyone's shock, the Masamune suddenly appeared in his hand, and he pointed it at Minerva. "You will open the door now." The only sign that she acknowledged his threat at all was a slight narrowing of her eyes. Almost as soon as she did, Sephiroth clutched his head and fell to his knees.

Kris heard most of the people around her cry out, and she ran forward to check on him. She stopped before she reached him when she noticed that everything seemed to have stilled around her. She looked back and saw the other Soldiers in mid-stride. Even the currents of the lifestream around them seemed to be frozen. She turned and saw Minerva watching her. She tentatively took a few more steps, and the Goddess gave her a nod.

"Now is the time for your decision. I cannot hold them for long."

Kris looked at her with confusion. "Decision? I don't even know what choices I have been given. What is going on?"

"We do not know how the currents of time will play out. We can see possibilities, but that is all. When we decided to bring you to Gaia, we did not see you ending up here. We had only hoped to be able to save a few."

Kris held up a hand. "You are telling me that you put me in Gongaga to save Zack?"

The Goddess didn't flinch. "Among others."

Kris had to take a deep breath to keep from snapping. She understood the necessity to make hard choices sometimes. The fact that it included people she loved just made it hard to hear. "Fine, I understand your choice. What does that have to do with me making a decision?"

Minerva remained unruffled. "I wanted you to understand that you were never meant to be at this crossroads, but now that you are here, you have the opportunity to do more than allow yourself to ride the tides of fate."

Kris narrowed her eyes. "I have already started doing what I can to help. I care about all of these men, and I refuse to sit idly by and watch them destroy themselves."

For the first time since she arrived, Minerva gave her a smile, but it dimmed quickly. "Yes, and that is why I am offering you a choice. Your actions will make changes, but there are some things that cannot be altered with words alone."

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