Chapter 2

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OMG that scared me so much! It's was just Aria from Pretty Little Liars. Thank God.. What's taking Skye so long?

"Skye! Are you almost done?"

"Ya! Almost!"

*Skye's Pov

Text conversation

R-are you still stalling?

S-ya.. Are you guys almost ready?



R-I'm just kidding almst done.. Just come over and txt me when your here ok?


I've liked Ross for so long and I can't believe that I'm actually friends with R5 and their family! Like dream come true!! Haha ok anyways I've known them for as long as my sister has.. Obviously... I better go down...

Quick glance at the mirror. White floral dress with an infinity scarf. Outfit.. Perfect. Hair? Nope! I'll just tie it in a side braid. Ok now I'm ready I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Once I got down I saw Ari staring blankly at the T.V

"ARRRIIIII?!? Helllooo?!?!"

"Ah! Don't do that! Especially while I'm watching PLL!"

"Sorry" I said while laughing

"Well are you ready" I asked her


"Hey look we match!"

"Ya" she said not caring much. Me and Ari are close but not super close. Like we barely get into fights but she's happy and loving all the time but sometimes the littlest things can throw her off that. I guess she's been like that since the accident. Anyways we went outside and made our way to the Lynch's.

*Skye's Pov
When we got there I blindfolded her. I was leading her to the front when my phone started to buzz

Phone Conversation

R-are you here yet?

S-ya were here..


End of phone conversation

"Skye who was that?"

"Um no one?"


I started leading her to the door and once we got there I took off the blindfold and she rang the doorbell. There was really no point in me blindfolding her. I just wanted to. Yes I know why would I do that? Umm cause I'm weird. Just then The door opened

*Ari's Pov
I rang the doorbell and Riker answered it.


"Hey. Where is everybody?"

"Oh. Um. There at the store..."


"Come in"

We walked inside and it was so empty.. It's usually not like this. The boys are usually down stairs watching tv or playing video games.

"So how's your birthday so far"

"Umm I haven't really done anything"
After I said that Skye went up to Riker and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and went to the kitchen. I was about to follow him when he told me not to. Just then the lights were turned on and all the Lynchs and Ratliff jumped out and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I was in so much shock. I started tearing up.. No one has ever done his for me.

"Well we love you Ari!" They all screamed

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Haha ya" Riker said. "I'm glad you like it. My family,I, Ratliff and Skye planned this all out for you!" He said smiling his head off

"Really you did this all for me?"

"Ya like we said we all love you!"

"I knew how important this birthday is to you since umm the accident.." Skye said with a sad face

The accident..

I hated that day. But let's forget that and time to enjoy my partaayyy!! I'm seriously the happiest person alive right now! I mean all my best friends threw me a surprise party and I'm partying with the Lynchs! Man I'm such a lucky girl!

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