Get to know everyone

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"Ok guys, please introduce yourselves to the readers. State your names one thing that describes you and what you look like and your ages"
Hi! My name is Arianna but people call me Ari. Umm I weird but not weird and I have long-ish black-brown (ombré) hair and I'm like 5'3'' and my eyes are dark-light brown.. Oh and I'm 19
Skye here I'm Ari's lil sis. Im a social butterfly and I have somewhat long black hair with brown highlights and about 5'2'' and I have brown eyes and I'm 15
Hey guys. Im Riker. I'm optimistic and you all know what I look like right? Please tell me you know what I look like... And I'm 19
Lynch. Rocky Lynch. Haha ok I'm silent but not silent. I have gorgeous brown hair that's up to my shoulder. Andd you already know the rest. I'm also 16
I'm Rydel! I'm known as smiley because I love to SMMIIILLLEEEEE!! And I have longish blonde hair.. Oh wait you all know what I look like hehe..I'm 17
Hey E-Rat here. My really name is Ellington but for the sake of the band people call me Ratliff and I have brown hair and green eyes. And I'm awesome as people say and also known as the honory brother. Why did I do that I just realized all of you know what I look like.. Anyways I'm 17
Ross here! So you all should know me from Austin and Ally. Or my band so you know what I look like. Anyways Im super out there I like to meet new people and talk.. But I think a lot and I'm known as the rockstar. And I'm 15
DJ Ryland is in the hhoouuusseee!!! Hahaha. So if you have been at one R5 concert then you know me.. If you don't I'm R5s little brother not including Ell. Anyways I'm 14
"Thanks guys!"
(A/N) I hope you like this story. This is my first fanfic so please tell me if its good or what I need to improve it. And please vote if you liked it and follow me. Oh and if you take any of the pics in the story and post it just give me creds. My insta is R5erforever1499. Thx guys! 😊😍💕

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