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Ryan is sitting in front of me, we are in the park. Man is he hot. "Kelli, I haven't been completely honest lately, remember when you asked if I knew what Kaylee was? A demigod? Well... I'm a Demigod too. My father is Apollo."
I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. Apollo? Explains why he's so hot, his dad is the sun god.
"Kelli I'm going to bring you to camp, there are boundaries that don't let mortals in but I'll get Chiron to let you."
"Thanks Ryan , but why did you hide this from me? I mean...I don't know."
"Don't know what?"
" I don't know... Tell me the prophecy again."
" 3 will go to the fallen ground
To follow the path that's never been found
The mortal to find the missing piece
Will save the one, and the other to cease"

"Ryan? I think you, me, and Kaylee are the three from the prophecy. It says 3 and a mortal. I'm mortal so..."
"Kelli , you don't know that , it might not even be us."
"Okay, but does anyone else know about the prophecy?"
"Nope, just you, me, Kaylee, and Chiron."
"Why'd you tell Chiron?"
"We had too."
"Oh right. I knew that duh." I roll my eyes, I see Ryan crack a smile, we start laughing. I love his laugh. It's so cute.

Later that day I'm in my room with Kaylee, she keeps looking into that mirror, she keeps telling me there's nothing in it, but I know when she's hiding something, she starts blowing her hair out of her eyes, she starts biting her nails, and she stutters.
"Kaylee...why aren't you telling me. I know you."
"Wh - what? I-I'm telling y-you everything."
"Are you sure?" I give her my special eyebrow glance.
"Pretty s-sure."she says.
I ask for the mirror and look into it. I see the 9/11 monument , then I see the moonlight making a path in the woods, then I see myself picking up something... And then... I see Ryan.... I look away.
I went to bed and had a good dream for once... This month.. At least I thought it was a good dream. I was in the park with Ryan and Kaylee, were all chatting and then in a deep and ancient voice , Kaylee and Ryan look directly at me and say the prophecy.
3 will go to the fallen ground
To follow the path that's never been found
The mortal to find the missing piece
Will save the one,and the other to cease
They kept repeating it, and repeating, I started screaming, and running , I ran into the Alex kid, he was saying the prophecy too. The sky got dark, until I was consumed by darkness. I woke up sweating and breathing hard. I looked at my clock it was about 3 in the morning. Great no more sleeping for me. I can't when I wake up. Great. I stare out of my window, thinking what does this mirror even do beside make things harder? I looked at the mirror , sitting on my bedside table. I grab it and look into it. Nothing. Just my reflection.
"Come on stupid mirror, show me something useful!" I yell to the mirror.
It ripples, like throwing stones into water, and shows me an image of some place, a camp of some sort. It's about the same time there as it is here so no one is up , but the mirror shows me around the camp and I notice there are cabins, there's an arena , and... A dragon? Is that... Sheep skin? That's golden? Wow, there's a lot I don't know. I hear a voice , like a woman , it sounds sweet and smooth like candy, it tells me
"Go here mortal, Go to this place , ask Kaylee and Ryan."
How did this voice now about my friends? What kind of secrets are Kaylee and Ryan hiding?

The next morning I call them and ask what the heck is the camp , and I describe it.
"Please tell me Kaylee!"
"(Sigh) Kelli.. I don't think it's good idea."
"Ryan was telling me something about the camp and letting me in a couple days ago! Why won't you?"
"Fine." Kaylee replys.
"Just once."

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