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Nightmares...again...I'm not even a demigod! Any way... I see the little boy from my last dream, this time he's in a cave yelling at someone. The man he was yelling at must've been twenty feet tall, he had green hair , blue skin , like snake skin , he had tree trunks for arms and legs , it was weird. He obviously wasn't alive yet, the little boy chanted something in Greek then I see the giant wake up , his eyes were yellow, he said a prophecy of some sort, well not really a prophecy , he recited something from like a book,
3 Demigods will save or destroy the world
A mortal to guide them through the way
The world must fall or be saved.

The giant fell back asleep and the little boy collapsed.
I woke up in a sweat. I had to tell Kaylee about my dream. I looked at my desk next to my bed and found the mirror , I picked it up and looked into it , I saw the little boy on the floor of the cave , and the giant next to him , I hear a booming voice that says
"Wake up Alex, WAKE UP!"
The little boy, Alex gets up immediately , "What do you want father?"
"The mortal knows what happened last night."
Alex looks around , as if someone was watching him. "How could she have seen me? Did you show her? Did you give her a dream Father?"
" Listen to me Alex, she is the next"
It stopped and disappeared. Who would I be? What am I? I call Kaylee and tell her, she takes me to some place,and she tells me not to freak out. Oh yea because when I see something abnormal I'm not going to freak out. She threw a golden coin into water and said "Iris , O goddess of the rainbow, take my offering, show me Chiron.
An image came up and I see a man... With the body of a horse.
I gasp "A centaur" I say with interest.
"Chiron, Kelli is having dreams , with things only demigods can dream about, we found a mirror , she looked into it " Kaylee tells the story I told her ." I have a suspicion the person talking to the kid Alex, is the Lord Hades."
"Chiron, look Hades , or whoever said something about me becoming the next something I didn't hear everything , it got cut off."I said
"I believe I know what Hades would be talking about." Chiron said.

Stupid mirror. Messing up my life. I have no idea what is going on. Beep Beep. Oh look a call from Ryan.
"Hey Ryan"
"Hey Kelli, I wanted to talk to you. Wanna meet up at the park?"
"Yea sure, what's wrong?"
"I'm having dreams too."

I meet Ryan at the park and he tells me what he saw, he saw the same thing I did, except for the mirror. I decided not to bring it up.
"I started with some research on Greek myths." Ryan told.
"Why?" I asked
"I read that whenever a prophecy is said by the Oracle of Delphi, the demigods go on quests to get whatever they need , the prophecy just helps them. Kaylee asked for a quest to look for something, she didn't tell me what , but she spoke to the Oracle, don't ask me how I have no idea, but she said she got a prophecy she told me what it was, it was
3 will go to the fallen ground
To follow the path that's never been found
The mortal to find the missing piece
Will save the one , but the other to cease

"What does it mean?" I asked.
"I don't know, but that's not what I came to tell you."

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