17: Reflections

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Maybe it's just me messing with my head and yours too. Maybe it's all a lie. Maybe it's a dream i need to wake up from.
Maybe it's a future I'm seeing now.
Maybe it's a past that never happened
Maybe it's nothing.

I looked in the mirror and instead of my reflection but who i saw was a little child, not me. But as i moved the being in the mirror moved also. I frowned, the being frowned too. Every single thing i did it did.
I noticed the similarities between us. We really did look alike but a much younger me. This is all messing with me.
"Stop" i screamed. "STOP THIS" I begged.
But the being did same, it's voice more quiet than mine. More hushed but i could see the strain, it was yelling as much  as i was. Even more.
I stood confused. I stopped but it didn't . It was begging me to stop.
I was confused.... it came closer to the mirror like it was going to come out.. i stayed glued to my spot.
"Stop replaying the memories of me in your head, it's hurting me, it's hurting us. Please stop!".
I was as confused as you are right now.
Then the being was replaced with my reflection.
But then again..
I saw someone different, looked like me yeah! But much older, okay what the hell is going on?
This being just stared at me and said nothing but said everything.
It hurt looking at this being, looked more like i had taken something from this one.
I was going to turn away when i heard a whimper.
"Stop keeping me away, bring me to life. Don't keep me hidden within and postponing my birth. It'll be late one day and I'll  fade away one day"
Confusing? Same here at that time.
I looked at the new reflection in front of me, the right one. Everything back to normal.  It was just a mind trick...
Or not.
"Let me go, my time is past spent. It's time for me to be a memory and not the present." I heard.
Okay this is crazy!
Where's my reflection? What happened to me? I wasn't so complicated?
I miss when i was just plain. I began to sob quietly. Then it grew to full on tears till it reduced to whimpers.
I stood at the spot. I didn't want to look anymore, who knows what would be there now. Hmph.
I dropped on my bed with a slight thud.
What a day and it was just morning. Uggghhh!

You, what do you think was that about?
Do you also hold unto your past?
Do you also stop your present from growing?
Do you also delay your future?
So many questions.
But of course, i don't have the answers. You won't write back.
Maybe you don't want to respond to my letters. But i know you get them.

                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                           A mind.

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