11: somedays

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Somedays, i just want relieve from my thoughts, just be free from my presumptions and assumptions.
Sometimes, i just want to keep away fron my head and just life
More times i just want to get rid of the pessimism in my head
Just go with what comes.
These thoughts came pulling my mind int o chains until it broke loose that night with it's song..

"The taunt you ran from is back again
You thought if this madness will ever end
You promised yourself you'd stop hurting
How did that turn out?
How many have you made and sworn to yourself
Promising everything that you could never fufil."

The taunt keeps ringing across the walls of my room not letting me be.
A song i created in my mind.
My own enemy i has caved for myself.

                                                   Yours sincerely,
                                                  A mind.               

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