5: Little Boy👨

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I think the little boy in the house sees too
I mean he sees what i see.
I've been watching his movents for sometime.
How he'd run away from some particular places and say someone is there.
How he'd scream and close his ears sometimes
How he'd be point to nothing.
How he won't want to go a part if the house.
I also think he even sees more than i do. I only see shadows and dark figures that come and leave in a flash.
I think he also talks to whatever it is he sees.
He says some strange stuff at times. Others ignore it but i don't.
He says "in the dark, he'll come faster "
Sometimes  he'd say "but No! Not like that, i don't want to" or he'd give a loud weird laugh out of the blue, catching us all off guard.
It looks normal to them, but definitely not to me.
I'm wrapped up in all of this.
Yet to unravel what this is.
I've never believed in such things before
Always saw it as some lame plot for a storyline but now i don't even know what to believe

                                                Yours sincerely,
                                                 A mind.

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