Time to fucking escape pt2

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A/N: this Chapter will be in 3rd person POV until it is said otherwise. Just so y'all don't get confused because sometimes I can't understand myself either. 😂

3rd person POV:

'Okay class. So that is how the fire started. If you have any questions you may ask them now?' Ms Smith said waltzing around the room. Peering over their shoulders, agitating them and making them uncomfortable. A simple act that teachers do that can cause so much disturbance to ones calm self.

The moment she peered over Felix's shoulder was the moment that goosebumps flooded over his skin.

'Something wrong Mr Lee?' She asked. Referring to him by his last name which in any case was not a good thing.

'No ma'am just a bit chilly. The draft do be hitting me from where I sit' he replied, keeping his composure.

'Ah. Feel free to move around if you feel uncomfortable then' she said. Offering the boy a small smile.

Politely shaking his head he turned down the offer insisting that it was fine and there was no need to disturb the class any further.

She walked away. Each step growing louder in Felix's head even though she was moving further and further away. 

Why do I feel like this?

Felix asked himself trying to focus on what was being written on the board. Even though the answer was dead clear.

He was anxious. Scared to an extent.

But then again, who wouldn't be?

Their plan would have to go smoothly if they wished to not be harmed in the process. And as we all know

Nothing ever goes to plan.

Life's biggest joke is making us think as though we are in control at ALL times, making us think that if we plan it out with enough precision and care then things would go our way. And the thing is

We actually believe it will.

He bounced his foot up and down. Each time gently hitting the flooring and making a small TAP

He stopped when he felt a hand on his leg. Slowly easing his anxiety.

Chan looked at him before whispering to him 'pay attention'

Felix then turned his attention to the board before the noise of ticking flooded his ears. The clock on top of the board moving so agonisingly slow. Getting closer and closer to the desired time.







The bell rung indicating that their extended period was over and that it was now in fact time for food.

The students done one of two 1)raced straight out of the classroom, not even bothering to say goodbye 2)slowly stood up and started packing their things.

Chan and Felix started doing the latter. Picking up objects as they made small talk about what food their stomachs desired. Only snapping out of their trance when the noise of a ruler hitting a desk echoed throughout the room. Looking up they saw Ms  Smith impatiently drumming her nails on the desk, ruler lay in between the thumb and index finger.

'You've misses 2 minutes of break talking about chocolate cupcakes and salami sticks.' She said, picking up a stack of papers and sorting them into neat drawers.

The school full of secrets/chanlix/minsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora