Play the Part

Começar do início

Ross had always gotten on great with my parents, even when we'd split up. So it didn't surprise me that my mother had gone to him for help.

"Okay, I promise I'll call her later. After my auditions," I agreed, hoping that he'd bite and not insist on me doing it beforehand.

I didn't want to end up getting caught on the phone for the next three hours of my life, listening to lectures. The sound of sirens blared on Ross's end of the phone, followed by someone shouting his name.

"Coming!" He shouted away from the phone, "I've gotta go, Lena, we've got a shout. I'll talk to you later. Call your mom."

I didn't even have a chance to reply before the line went dead, just like always with his job.

"Stay safe," I muttered to myself, my eyes on the phone where my home screen had just reappeared.

I always worried about him when he was working, he'd been passionate about helping people all his life, and it was that which had led to his decision to pursue a career in the emergency services. He currently served as an EMT, but for a while there he was considering being a firefighter. Having trained for both, there was a time that I was scared he would choose the latter of the two. But even though I knew he attended calls as a medic, it never stopped panic from taking hold of me whenever he went out on a call.

Needing to clear my head, I got up, showered, and did my hair and make-up. When it came time to change, I threw open my wardrobe doors and scoured my clothes for the perfect ensemble. I wanted something professional, yet stylish, with a hint of seduction. Thumbing through various items, I stopped as I felt soft lace beneath my fingers. I bit my lip in thought, looking over the classy, dress. The neckline was low enough to show some cleavage without it being inappropriate, and the lace panel in the midsection added just the right touch of seductiveness. After slipping it on, I twirled toward the mirror. The rich burgundy fabric fitting like a second skin, hugging every curve of my body and stopping just above my knees, I ironed out the small creases from where I'd stepped into it, then set about adding the final touches, teaming it with a professional-looking, black blazer and a pair of almost indecently high, black, strappy stiletto heels.

I grabbed a few protein bars from the cupboard in the kitchen, tossing them into my bag, they would be enough to get me through the busy day that I had ahead of me, then rifled through my stuff to ensure that I had everything I needed. My work folder, complete with my portfolio and headshots, a couple of spare hair clips, a pair of pumps, a cool crochet cardigan option and some sunglasses.


I zipped up my bag, confident that I had enough in there to adjust my outfit accordingly, should I need to. I was, after all, going to many different auditions, which would cover a range of different needs, genres and styles. Excitement was bubbling away in my stomach. This was the real deal, the possibilities of today's outcome were endless. This time next week, I could be about to star in a Hollywood movie. I struggled to contain an excited skip, managing to compose myself, I left my apartment, eagerly heading for my first audition stop of the day.

The inside of the building where the auditions were being held, looked almost like the interior of a wealthy business. Neutral, fresh walls were sparsely decorated with simplistic framed paintings. There was a tall, curved anthracite desk, with glass panels on the top, its entire appearance was cold and professional, but with a high-class finesse. Potted plants stood in the corners, the vibrancy of the shiny green foliage mirrored in the polished hardwood floors, and a small waiting area had been set up with black sofas that looked more for show than comfort. My stilettos clicked on the floor as I approached the woman seated at the desk. Her entire appearance oozed professionalism and class, just like her surroundings, and in all honesty, it was somewhat intimidating.

StardomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora