Chapter 14: Run Away

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Trigger Warning :Guns and bullets. Again, I'll put an indicator (*****) where it is.

Chapter 14: Run Away

Alexander needed some time to think, that part is obvious. But he doesn't know where to go, his five floored mansion suddenly feels like a measly shack. This irked Alexander even more. There's the nagging feeling again, it's uncomfortable and kind of...revolting in a sense.

Alexander went down the stairs and saw his dad and him sitting at the living room, laughing at someone may said or at him if Alexander knows any better. He walks to the kitchen to climb out of the window, it's easy enough to execute and there's little to no risk especially when his father and his 'bodyguard' are talking to each other without a damn about him.

So he did his plan that he formed in his head, and it worked, anti-climatically. He then went into one of the bushes, revealing one of his many motorcycle bikes. Apparently, this is his get-away bike when his father will ground/punish him. It's not every day or that often that the blond gets punish but it's better to be prepared.

Alexander drives through roads and stores of the city, he doesn't know where he's going to go but he just knows he wanted to think the situation through without familiar sights distracting him. He settles for a pretty deserted looking alley.

For some odd reason, he seems like he belong in this alley. It's dirty and will continue to collect garbage and dirt and grime through the time. When he was younger, he's ecstatic on become the next godfather but as time goes by, he doesn't know. Yes, you can kill people without any repercussions or torture for the fun of it, but it makes him dirty. In a bad way.

Alexander remembers the time his father kept saying to him that when he come into the business, he will become like a superhero, beating off bad guys. How can he not? Superman is his favorite hero ever, still is now. He admire that Superman is strong and can fly. He also knows he only have one weakness but that didn't deter him from saving the day. In young Alexander's mind, he the perfect hero.

Alexander smiles fondly at his childhood memories.

Suddenly, a pair of footsteps can be heard through the alley. This simple movement made Alexander alert. Turning his head, he saw his 'classmate' looking at him. Alexander couldn't help but snarled.

"What do you want?" Alexander snapped to Alistair.

"You're going pretty fast, Alexander, I have quite the trouble tracking you." Alistair nonchalantly said. Alexander notices a sheen of sweat coming from the albino's forehead. With the help of the full moon that is.

"How did you find me?" Alexander, once again, snapped.

"I'm your bodyguard, remember. It means that I have to follow you at all times and protect you with my live." Alexander taps his left side, and flinches when he couldn't feel his gun. Somehow he feels threatened by the mere presence of his bodyguard. Something is up, he knows it and it won't be pretty.

"Looking for this?" The tanned man look at the albino. There is Alistair pointing Alexander's custom made pistol his father gifted him in his thirteenth birthday. That's also the first gun Alexander used to shoot or bruised someone. "It's quite the play-thing. It will be ashamed if this went into this." Alistair gestured to the gun he's holding and his forehead.

You wouldn't.

"Oh yes, I will Alexander." Alistair smirked. "And I'm not afraid of doing it."

Many more questions is running through Alexander's head. But the most prominent one is: Am I going to die?


"Come on, Alexander! Show me what you're old man thought you! I you don't act, by the count of three, I'll shoot." Alexander took a step back.

"One." Alistair took a step forward.

"Two." Alexander took another step back.

"Three." Alexander froze.


The gun sound echo through the alley, a few birds cried out and flew out of the way. A body fall limp less on the ground. Alistair look around and smirked. The albino then walk towards the cold corpse.


While Alexander is...still frozen in his tracks.

"Kyle Thompson, a great assassin but not the best. He kills ten heir of mafias, you're supposed to be next. But he makes himself seen when I arrived. You're lucky I'm here." Alistair threw the gun at Alexander.

"Met me where you put your bike, I'm driving." Alistair said while throwing the keys he swiftly pick pocketed from Alexander.

While Alexander is still left wondering what the hell happened.

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