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Copyright © 2022 by Kaytlyn Allen

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-Daenerys Targaryen


Almost twenty years have passed, and everything was gone.

I sobbed, my clothes ripped and I was bleeding, but it didn't matter. I had to get to her, to them.

Had to find-

Struggling to stand, I grasped my side, biting back the scream that wanted to escape. I looked down at my hands and red coated them, blurring together until I couldn't see anything anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing my panicked breathing to slow, until I felt in control of myself again. It had been so long, I thought as I turned my peeling and dry face to the sun, my fingers shaking as I struggled to make sense of them.

For so long, I'd been a wolf, cursed.

All that I was, or could've been had been reduced to nothing but an animal driven by instinct, bloodlust, thousands of lives met their ends at the edges of my razor sharp claws. I had no idea where I was, how much time had passed. My fingers touched something hard in the sand, and a jolt of information went through me as Queen Azalea's sword, gleamed as I pulled it free. My heart started to pound as sun glinted off of the blade, reflecting back at me. I nearly dropped the metal when I saw myself. I took a second look and saw white hair, caked with dirt, and yellow eyes, blue veins sparking in their depths. All at once, I remembered who I was. I remembered why I was here, how much time had passed.

I am Azalea Marie Albescu, The Queen Alpha.

A false queen sits on my throne, controls what's mine. I would have to make my way back to my pack, my family, and my home. I could be millions of miles away. I staggered to my feet just as the sand around me began to swirl, and the sky around me darkened. I held my breathe when the very air vibrated, sending a deep ache through my heart. I didn't breathe when I looked up, blinded by the pure white and gorgeously dangerous wings stretching to a length of at least thirty feet tip to tip. The girl that owned them lowered herself, folding the massive appendages behind her, the bladed feathers on the ends scraping across the ground.

One look at her, and my whole world fell apart. I knew she was mine, one of three, but she had become everything I had ever hoped her to be.

Pure white hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders, making a mockery of my own as each strand gleamed silver-white. Her body was longer and leaner than mine had ever been at her age, her heart shaped face had lost it's baby fat and angled out like mine had, but her cheekbones were higher, sharing Elizabeth's sharp profile. But her eyes, her eyes were all mine.

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