Twelve: Ruin Me

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"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime."

-Bette Davis

"All of Me"

By: John Legend


My fingers clenched around the glass, the burn of liquor hitting my belly yet it fell flat as hunger raged through my veins. My jaw clenched as I swallowed the last of it, my heart twisting in my chest, a rotten lifeless thing yet somehow it still struggled to beat. I stood on the rooftop of our 1800's style apartment in Mexico City, watching the fading sun as blistering heat tore through a pathway through my body. The animal I was still acquainting myself with rose her head, and prickling warmth infused my muscles. Throwing the glass to the ground, I reveled in the sound of it shattering and hopped onto the ledge, my spine twisting and my body lengthening. I embraced it, sucked it all inside of me, desperate to feel anything but the hurricane of pain and loss festering inside me. My vision flickered and reshaped, colors were brighter, harsher. My inner lids flicked down to protect against the sun as I perched on the ledge, my claws securing my position. It was a dizzying drop, yet I felt no fear as my feline body coiled tight.

With a gallant push, I leapt for the other building, sailing through the air and over the busy shop workers, ignoring the screams of bewilderment and awe as I weaved and leapt through the city. My harsh panting was the only companion I needed, and before long, I had left the city behind in favor of the sandy sea. My muscles strained against my weight as I pounded through the unstable terrain until I reached the rocks. Kore's words of warning to keep our distance faded from my mind and I slowed to a stop, pacing back and forth, lips peeling back in a hiss.

My demon lashed her tail, ivory claws sinking into the sand as I sat, waiting patiently. No more than an hour passed when I caught the first flicker of movement, a young woman, dark hair falling down her back and shoulders. She started when she saw me, dropping the pail she'd been carrying. I gently reached for her mind, brushing the borders.

"Do not be afraid." I soothed, hearing her heart beat flicker. "I only come for your alpha."

She looked uncertain, her eyes flickering from me to the rocks behind her. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, a protective look in them that would've made me smile, had I not been short on time. We'd only just learned of Azalea's ability to stay human for longer periods of time, and although Kore warned me, I could not stay away. I needed her like I needed air, only air was no longer sustaining me. A few moments went by and she disappeared into some hidden alcove in the cluster of ruins, returning a moment later with a large blanket.

I kept still as she cautiously approached, fear eating at her despite me assurances. I suppose I couldn't blame her. Panthers are not native to Mexico. When she reached me, she dropped the ratty fabric and backed away hastily. Pain twisted my gut as I asked my demon to retreat, after a moment of hesitation she acquiesced, and soon I lay naked atop the burning sand, wondering how Azalea had survived it all these years.

I wrapped myself in the blanket, my fingers struggling to remember their purpose.

"Thank you." I murmered to the girl, who merely stared back at me with wide eyes, full of recognition now.

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